Welcome to BlogDogIt Saturday, January 18 2025 @ 05:47 am EST

Tapping In to a Superpower

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You know how it goes... You are visiting one of your fave WordPress blogger sites and after thoroughly enjoying their contribution you'd like to give them the old cyber-thumbs-up/pat-on-the-back/handshake/tip-o-the-hat/etc... so you look down there and find the "Like" button and give it the "whats-for." You have to know that you are also planting a little graphic seed in the form of a link to your profile page. Not wanting to be the all-take-and-no-give type you go ahead and click on one of your fellow "likers" to see who this individual is that obviously has something in common with you.

xpanda1969x - THE RANDOM RAMBLINGS OF A QUIRKY PANDAIt's the luck of the draw... sometimes you are taken to the profile of a blogger singing the praises of their contributions to the blogging community only to discover they did not include a link to their site or even tell you its name. Once in a while you follow some unassuming link and find yourself remembering what is is that keeps you in this most gratifying pass-time known as blogging.

JamesRadcliffe.comToday I was visiting xpanda1969x (as I am wont to do) and clicked upon the dinky gravatar belonging to James Radcliffe - there it is now

...and that my friends is how I came to discover this most excellent article (re-blogged below.) Proving once again that is often better to explore rather than search the internet.


Why: Reading is a Modern Superpower…

by James Radcliffe

It is my contention that:  In the modern world, Reading is no less than a Superpower.

In this post I will explain the thinking behind this, and share 7 reasons why you should consider making reading an integral part of your daily life.

So sit back, strap in, and turn on, dear reader, while I expound upon…

Gain A Super Power

[Please Continue...]

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Spotlight[Living]: Swim In The Adult Pool

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Swim In The Adult Pool

My Walter Mitty Would Be Horrified ADHD Audio Experiment

Funny Ha Ha~ Not Funny “Oh She’s Hilarious!”


I doubt he’d thank me for this little adventure of mine

If Walter Mitty could hear this audio experiment of mine, he’d be aghast. Good thing for him he’s a fictional character and therefore, not able to hear it.  I’ve put it out there, more than once, my attempts to describe what it’s like to have adult ADHD. I haven’t done this for  the desire to find validation or a need for acceptance, not even because I like to beat a dead horse. Which I don’t, by the way. Beat dead horses. Or alive ones either. 

My reasons for possibly making an ass of myself are…

I thought about this last night for quite awhile, after a good friend of mine had remarked on that possibility. Though they were telling me that I didn’t appear to be any of those things, that got me to wondering if there weren’t some  people who had come to this conclusion. In case this is the situation, for those of you who read my blog, (Hi Mom!) let me set the record straight.

  • I didn’t do this for acceptance, I don’t need it. I mean really, I hardly know you! You could at the least buy me dinner before I…before I-heh-forget that part, I hardly know you.
  • I wasn’t seeking validation. I know what I have, I’m just ticked that I can’t let you borrow it for awhile.
  • I don’t suffer from some whacked out notion that being different, being ‘out there’, being what is essentially me, will attract the masses. Remember me? I’m the chick who doesn’t do well in crowds, I skip whilst holding scissors (point out cuz I’m mean like that) and…it’s just not like that.
  • All I want to do, is to show those of you who are either profoundly bored, needing a way to cure insomnia, or just curious about having ADHD on the adult end of things, and want to know what it’s like, to be this way, and how it affects every facet of your life. And trust me, it does.

No subliminal messages, just procrastination

So without going further off track than I already have, I present my experiment. I did not put any subliminal suggestions in this audio (you like me…yes you do…) nor did I ever suffer from the idea that I was suddenly going to achieve fame and fortune by doing this (you love reading my blog) and am actually a bit nervous to post it, not because of anything other than the very real possibility of being the butt of many a joke to come. But it’s a good day for a laugh, right? (you think I’m talented and should even tell your friends about my blog)

 Click the link below to hear my… erm….er…experiment.

(because you like me)

I Have ADHD  <- Click this

Source: SwimInTheAdultPool.com

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Spotlight[Living]: Ned's Blog

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Celebrating a year of somewhat questionable writing advice

All this over a blog post - Its kind of a big deal Welcome to a special Anniversary Edition of Ned’s Nickel’s Worth on Writing! It was a year ago this week that the first edition of my weekly NWOW was completely overlooked heralded by Writer’s Digest as “A literary hazard cone…” and by Publisher’s Weekly as “Our measuring stick for excellent writing, if we were on the metric system.” As if that weren’t enough, I received a congratulatory email this morning from The Master of Horror® Stephen King:

I consider myself an expert on corpses, so you can believe me when I say your body of work speaks for itself.

High praise indeed.

But enough accolades! It’s time to prepare yourself. Why? Because in just a few moments I will push the button on a special remote, releasing balloons and confetti on you! That’s right! While you were sleeping, special crews (most of which were licensed, bonded and documented citizens) were busy installing compartments of spring-loaded balloons and confetti in your ceiling! And you thought it was creepy rats! Haha! So count down with me as we prepare to release balloons and confetti on 3,432 folks, some of whom don’t read this blog regularly and will be totally freaked out!  Continue reading

Source: http://nedhickson.com/
Ned's Blog - Humor at the Speed of Life

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Spotlight[Entertainment]: The Fire Wire Blog

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The Fire Wire Pop Culture Blog

HUVr Board Video Claims To Show A Real Life ‘Back To The Future’-Style Hoverboard In Action

Moby, Tony Hawk, and other celebrities rocket around on the HUVr Board—a flying board billed as a real world version of the hoverboard from the Back to the Future film franchise—in this slickly produced promo video featuring Christopher Lloyd who played Emmett “Doc” Brown in the BTTF film trilogy.

According to HUVr, the board is crafted from “paramagnetic titanium” and is expected to ship in December 2014.

Funny or Die is behind HUVr, the mysterious tech company claiming to have invented the first hoverboard. The truth behind this massive viral campaign came out after a costume designer who worked on the shoot posted the experience on her online resume, which has now been removed.

Source: firewireblog.com

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Spotlight[Living]: Robs Webstek

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It's a picture + a few lines of text blog, featuring history, art, old photographs, maps, and more.

It's a picture + a few lines of text blog, featuring history, art, old photographs, maps, and more.


The World upside down
Saturday, December 14, 2013

The World upside down

 The World upside down

The convention that North is at the top on most modern maps was established by the Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy (90-168 AD) and was adopted by other cartographers.

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Spotlight[Entertainment]: Derek's Daily 45

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Derek’s Daily 45s



Absolutely NOTHING is known about Pat Stallings, and apparently this is her only release. A real pity, as she WAILS on this red hot track from '72.

My favorite moment happens at 1:23; Pat if you're out there, drop us a line!

Arranger Wade Marcus worked with several jazz and soul artists throughout the '70's, including Stevie Wonder, The Emotions, The Blackbyrds, and The Dramatics.

from 1972...

Source: Derek's Daily 45s
Download: Everybody-Knows.mp3

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Spotlight[Technology]: The Man's Man

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A digital magazine for the "man's man". We scour the internet to find the manliest stuff around.

Who is this Man's Man??  First off, we are avid outdoorsmen.  If not in the office slaving away, you'll find us on our local rivers fly fishing, rafting, or hiking around in the mountains.  We are not professional bloggers (we actually get out into the outdoors).  That being said.....we aren't English majors either.  So please excuse any poor, grammatical hygiene. -more-
Thick Oak Wood Handlebars

Deer runner oak handle bars
Deer runner oak handle bar

These handlebars are handcrafted from 4 mm plied oak that has been oil treated for weather protection. Durable, light, and pretty damn good looking. 

Source: http://realmansman.com/

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Spotlight[Arts]: An Optical Illusion

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An Optical Illusion - A collection of optical illusions and other visual oddities updated regularly.

"A collection of optical illusions and other visual oddities updated regularly."

Anaconda Bus Optical Illusion

 Anaconda Bus Optical Illusion
Trompe L’oeil

You have no doubt seen cars and buses with advertising painted on them before.  But this advertisement for a local zoo on the side of a public transit bus goes above and beyond.  It is really well done and almost looks like something out of a bad horror movie.  Despite the fact that the anaconda is one of the largest snakes in the world, it would be hard to believe that one could grow to the size required to crush this bus.

Source: An Optical Illusion

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Spotlight[Entertainment]: Guitar Fail

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Guitar Fail is the one place for wacky, and funny guitar pictures, and videos. It is all about fun...

Guitar Fail is the one place for wacky, and funny guitar pictures, and videos.
It is all about fun...

The Worst Air Guitar Ever…

The Clippard Pneumatic Guitar

Meet the Clippard air guitar !! I have to admit that the technology is impressive but why the hell would you let a machine play guitar instead of you? That’s a mystery!!

[ See The Video Below ]

Source: GuitarFail.com

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