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Reality of Math

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Contributed by Glitch N Matrix (GlitchyMatrix.com)

Reality of Mathematical Patterns

Mandelbrot fractals provide a very compelling glimpse into the wonder of plotting mathematical formulae.
Play with zooming-in to a selected point of the plot (and zooming-out by clicking the outer margins) and free your mind to reveal the mysteries of the universe. This utility will zoom-in to the extent of your computer's ability to resolve. Keep in mind the original shape will grow to be larger than the known universe as you dive deeper into the abyss.

Web Mandelbrot
by Karol Guciek (http://guciek.github.io)

 GlitchyMatrix.com Link


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The Origin and Purpose of Evil

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Contributed by Michael:D from The Vestibule at DeBurger.com

The Origin and Purpose of Evil
by Vladimir Gelesnoff

In the perennial questionings of the human mind after the ways of God there are four typical forms of perplexity. The first and most common is the question of circumstances. The injustice and inequality that obtain, the unequal distribution of the blessings of life, the superabundance of prosperity which the few enjoy at the expense of the masses, give rise to the question, How can such a condition be tolerated in the dominions of a God of absolute justice a God that considers the poor, and is the friend of the fatherless and the widow? In addition to this strange condition of affairs there are times when the fates seem to array themselves against man. The varied factors which spin out the web of our existence seem to combine their efforts, and conspire to defeat individual effort. The convergence of circumstances in shaping unfavorable conditions at times results in tragic issues. Unbalanced by the strain of prolonged adversity, the mind loses all sense of proportion. Brooding over trouble, men forget the tempering influences that are ever at work, despair of life all round, and either seek to drown their sorrow in wine or escape it altogether by suicide. This aspect of perplexity is presented in Proverbs, "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto the bitter in soul; let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

 Please Continue Reading in The Vestibule at DeBurger.com

The Vestibule at DeBurger.com

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Blade Runner

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Transporting Windmill Blades via railroad car sure makes for an awesome site. After watching 15 or 20 of these things go by I finally decided to get out the cell phone and record this event. Great entertainment for those fortunate enough to get stopped at the Oaklandon crossing this time!


Read this article on

(Unofficial) Oaklandon Community Website

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TechGYOis a leading Technology Web Publication that focuses on the latest trends and cutting edge new products in the tech industry. We report on the business related to Tech, Gadgets, IoT, AI, Enterprise Tech, Cloud And Analysis of emerging trends in tech, and profiling of new tech products and businesses for enterprises and consumers. https://techgyo.com

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A great many thanks to The President and Founder at

The Illimitable Ocean of Inexplicability

for his divination of the following publication. Thanks also to The Internet Archive for making this text available. It was the fact that this document contained the term "infinitely remote" that it materialized in search results for the same. What follows is a very interesting and fun (if dry) read.

Posted here for posterity: Enjoy!

460 International Journal of Ethics. 


When a philosopher boasts that he has riddled with con- 
tradictions the scientific, moral and religious experiences of 
mankind, one is forced to ask whether he has not after all been 
firing at dummies. The principle of contradiction is doubtless 
a valiant weapon; but sometimes "the engineer is hoist with 
his own petard." Before we believe that science is vitiated 
by error to an unknown degree, that morality is at root hypo- 
crisy, and that religion "inevitably contains and rests upon an 
element of 'make-believe,' " we must be assured that the meta- 
physician is dealing with human experience and not with fig- 
ments of his own elaboration. 

In criticizing Mr. Taylor's book* I propose to ask two ques- 
tions. I shall inquire how far on the one hand his theory gives 
an adequate account of experience, and on the other how far 
it is consistent with itself. If at any time I appear dogmatic 
I ask indulgence. I have endeavored to attain clearness at all 
costs. Sitting on the hedge suggests discomfort ; and although 
a sprinkling of saving clauses appears more modest and is 
perhaps more judicious, yet it tends to obscure the question at 
issue. And this would be most undesirable. We cannot af- 
ford to treat the problem of conduct like the Scottish minister 
who exhorted his brethren to look certain difficulties in the 
face and pass on : this question has got to be faced and an- 

I propose first of all to give a short account of Mr. Taylor's 
main line of argument. This is the more desirable inasmuch 
as his essay contains much matter, interesting perhaps and 
suggestive, but liable, like pianos and kitchen-ranges in a 
mobile column, to distract attention and encumber movement. 

After some general remarks on the nature of metaphysical 
truth and scientific explanation, Mr. Taylor proceeds to attack 
the school of moral philosophy associated with the name of 
T. H. Green. His aim is to expose the fundamental fallacy in 
every system of ethics, which regards it as a teleological sci- 
ence in distinction from an empirical investigation. He as- 
sails Green's contention that a theory of morals should be pre- 
ceded by a metaphysical analysis of the nature of the self, 
maintaining that the psychologist is competent to deal with 
all the facts of morality. Finally he holds that the notion of 
an eternal self-conscious principle is absurd, and could in no 
case be of any value for the solution of the problem of con- 

The ground being so far cleared, the roots of Ethics are 
•discovered in the moral sentiments of mankind. Theories 
about motives and obligation, conscience and freedom are rank 
with popular confusions and fallacious metaphysics. In the 
words of Paul Somerset "Right and Wrong are but figments 
and the shadow of a word; but for all that, there are certain 
things that I cannot do and there are certain others that I will 
not stand." It is in the feelings or emotions of approval or 
disapproval, with which men review past or anticipate future 
actions, that the moralist must find the foundations of his sci- 
ence. Beginning here the student of ethics will find his 
groundwork almost completed. For the sentiments awakened 
by different kinds of action are already embodied in the judg- 
ments of the market-place, the pulpit, the club and the statute- 
book. With these as his base the moralist may proceed to 
give an historical account of the development of ethical feel- 
ings and ideas; or else attempt to discover the main principle 
or principles presupposed in the fluid masses of popular opin- 
ion, and by their help to construct a consistent moral ideal. 
After a short survey of the evolution of the conceptions of 
obligation and responsibility, conscience and moral personality, 
Mr. Taylor attacks the main problem of his essay. 


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Free Publicity - and Worth it!

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Throw BlogDogIt A BoneI have been having fun with the BlogDogIt "Friends - Link Exchange" (over to the right there - in case you missed it.)[smiley:;)] I have made several friends and have hopefully generated some traffic for them. I also have them to thank for bringing visitors to BlogDogIt by virtue of their display of the "BlogDogIt Tag" on their site, as part of the "Throw BlogDogIt A Bone" initiative.

I was facing a delima in that I had several links posted in the link exchange simply because they contained links back to BlogDogIt while not actually displaying the "BlogDogItTag." I still want to promote those sites but I really feel that the "Friends - Link Exchange" needs to stay true to its intended purpose.

Today I completed what I think to be a fine solution: I call it "Friendly Ad Roller" and right now it is displayed in the upper left corner of every page. This feature displays a randomly selected link-back graphic to one of our friend's websites. The pool of ads contains the official link exchange participants as well as other folks that I would like to bring to your attention.

Scroll this Box for the full "Rotation" of available Ads.

Shining the spotlight on friends of BlogDogIt.com

If you would like your site in this spotlight - just ask.
If you wish to be removed - same deal.






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The Cyber-Empire Exposed

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The InfinitelyRemote Cyber EmpireA glimpse of the InfinitelyRemote

I am often asked about my computer system and I like to brag that I utilize a quad-core. Pictured to the left is that system.

  • Core #1 - InfinitelyRemote
  • Core #2 - HAL
  • Core #3 - EVO
  • Core #4 - PracticalLightning

Also highlighted: A - External Hard Drive Farm, B - Dazzle Fusion Video Input Device, C - Sanyo 4Head-HiFi VCR, D - Removable Media Stacks.

HAL and EVO are running fully patched - up to the minute - Windows XP. InfinitelyRemote is running CentOS 6.4 and PracticalLightning is chugging along with Fedora 10 OS.

While many may scoff at the energy required to run these computers (in order to gain the benefit of such unsurpassed multitasking ability.) I will gladly suggest that these machines are not taking up land-fill space and continue to serve admirably, the chores they were designed and built to do. Total investment: Not very much [smiley:;)]

Come on in...
It's Mostly A WebSite

~ InfinitelyRemote has been hosting internet goodness since 2007 ~
It is a hobby site and exist solely for educational purposes.
Must be 13 or older to join. See privacy statement for conditions.

Madmike Software Doodles
yet another fine, fine product of
MAdmike SOftware DOodles
"The bit is mightier than the sword!"

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