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Regular vs E-85 Price Equivulator

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masodo's musings

85 percent EthanolFor several years now I have been driving a "Flex Fuel" vehicle - which means it can run on different blends of gasoline and ethanol. In my area I have a choice to use either Regular Unleaded or E-85 (85% ethanol fuel and 15% gasoline by volume.) The E-85 is typically priced substantially lower than Regular gas but there is a trade-off in that E-85 does not deliver the same mileage as Regular.

When fuel prices climb higher, the lower price of E-85 looks all the more attractive. However, it is hard to decide at the pump whether the lower cost is worth it, vis-à-vis the reduced fuel economy. In order to make an intelligent decision as to which would be more cost effective, I dusted off my limited javascript skills to devise this gizmo that painlessly compares the two options in terms of cost per mile.

Of course, it is up to you to discover your relative miles-per-gallon for each type of fuel. Once you are armed with that information you can enter those into the form below (my values are automatically inserted but you can change them to your own), along with the price of one or the other type fuel. Click the "EQUATE" button to learn the break-even price for the other.


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Thoughts: A Gentleman in Moscow

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In The Spotlight

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

"This book joins the ranks of my all-time favourites. When I first picked this up, it was simply because the cover intrigued me. It was a black and white photo of a man looking out from a balcony." -christine.ity 

• • • christine.ity


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Eujinks woz ere

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From The Gopher Hole

The New Dig Icon"Eujinks woz ere" was a simple message left on the InfinitelyRemote.com GOPHER site GuestBook. Of course in this game, that is very much like a "BEEP" on the metal detector.

This time we dug up some pure gold... Enjoy!

BAY Radio - TheBeanJeans

TheBeanJeans | Bay Radio 2018

A talk show full of fun, charisma, originality, and engaging topics on current world events. The show will consist of some belting tunes, segments on big news of the week in the format of a quiz and a few comedic elements to top it all off.

Playing tracks by Calvin Harris, Sam Smith, Dark Dark Dark
Electric Light Orchestra.

Download as 110kbps MP3 [99MB]


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Gopher the Publicity

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In The Spotlight
SundialToo much time has passed since we last shined (shone?) the BlogDogIt spotlight on a worthy internet destination but, as luck would have it, someone from the mysterious world of the fringe internet has seen fit to mention our sister site, InfinitelyRemote.com, as a prime example of the treasure trove of internet goodness that may be had when touring the obscure realm  of gopherspace [end run-on sentence here]

Below is a republishing of a thoughtfully written article about the simpler, side of internet life. This guy might really be on-to something here...


           On Gopher by Patrick

Via: The Mantelpiece

Written with: iPad | Logitech Keys-to-go Keyboard | Notes | iPadOS 15

(Some secondary writing on iPhone XR/touchscreen keyboard)

I think I did something good last week,in a way that's expanded my optimism about alternative ways of using the internet!

[Forgive me if I make any technical errors in the below; I’m passionate about computers and the old internet, but I’m far from an expert. If you are an expert on archaic networking terminology, please accept my outpouring of sincere love for the fruits of your personal interest as apologies for my ineptitude!!!]

So I’ve been messing around with a vintage 2001 iMac G3 for a while now (yes…computers released in the early 2000s are “vintage” now… the_future_is_now_old_man.jpg). I bought it a month or two ago, and had a lot of fun simply exploring Mac OS 9 and loading images onto its beautiful CRT screen. Unfortunately, I was clueless about how to actually mount disk images, a required step in order to install most of the abandonware available for free download online; special thanks to Macintosh Repository and Macintosh Garden! I finally made a breakthrough when I located MR’s FAQ section and figured out how to do it, but that’s not what this post is about.

Now that I was using the iMac more regularly, I also spent more time in Classilla, the most recently-updated (to my knowledge) web browser for classic Mac OS. It actually received its final official update just last year. While exploring Floodgap’s website (they host the servers for Classilla’s front page, and may have been involved in its development? I can’t remember, sorry), I found a door to a whole “new” realm of the internet: Gopher.

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Reality of Math

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Contributed by Glitch N Matrix (GlitchyMatrix.com)

Reality of Mathematical Patterns

Mandelbrot fractals provide a very compelling glimpse into the wonder of plotting mathematical formulae.
Play with zooming-in to a selected point of the plot (and zooming-out by clicking the outer margins) and free your mind to reveal the mysteries of the universe. This utility will zoom-in to the extent of your computer's ability to resolve. Keep in mind the original shape will grow to be larger than the known universe as you dive deeper into the abyss.

Web Mandelbrot
by Karol Guciek (http://guciek.github.io)

 GlitchyMatrix.com Link


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The Origin and Purpose of Evil

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The Transom

Contributed by Michael:D from The Vestibule at DeBurger.com

The Origin and Purpose of Evil
by Vladimir Gelesnoff

In the perennial questionings of the human mind after the ways of God there are four typical forms of perplexity. The first and most common is the question of circumstances. The injustice and inequality that obtain, the unequal distribution of the blessings of life, the superabundance of prosperity which the few enjoy at the expense of the masses, give rise to the question, How can such a condition be tolerated in the dominions of a God of absolute justice a God that considers the poor, and is the friend of the fatherless and the widow? In addition to this strange condition of affairs there are times when the fates seem to array themselves against man. The varied factors which spin out the web of our existence seem to combine their efforts, and conspire to defeat individual effort. The convergence of circumstances in shaping unfavorable conditions at times results in tragic issues. Unbalanced by the strain of prolonged adversity, the mind loses all sense of proportion. Brooding over trouble, men forget the tempering influences that are ever at work, despair of life all round, and either seek to drown their sorrow in wine or escape it altogether by suicide. This aspect of perplexity is presented in Proverbs, "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto the bitter in soul; let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

 Please Continue Reading in The Vestibule at DeBurger.com

The Vestibule at DeBurger.com

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Blade Runner

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The Transom


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Transporting Windmill Blades via railroad car sure makes for an awesome site. After watching 15 or 20 of these things go by I finally decided to get out the cell phone and record this event. Great entertainment for those fortunate enough to get stopped at the Oaklandon crossing this time!


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(Unofficial) Oaklandon Community Website

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