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Reality of Math

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Contributed by Glitch N Matrix (GlitchyMatrix.com)

Reality of Mathematical Patterns

Mandelbrot fractals provide a very compelling glimpse into the wonder of plotting mathematical formulae.
Play with zooming-in to a selected point of the plot (and zooming-out by clicking the outer margins) and free your mind to reveal the mysteries of the universe. This utility will zoom-in to the extent of your computer's ability to resolve. Keep in mind the original shape will grow to be larger than the known universe as you dive deeper into the abyss.

Web Mandelbrot
by Karol Guciek (http://guciek.github.io)

 GlitchyMatrix.com Link


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Introducing: Glitch N. Matrix

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I am pleased to announce the addition of a brand new domain in the DeBurger Photo Image & Design empire: GlitchyMatrix.com

The following is the "About" section from my new blog:

Glitch N. MatrixThroughout my life I have experienced instances of utter weirdness; from Déjà vu and prophetic dreams to bizarre observations and unexplained occurrences. It was after experiencing a very obvious “glitch in the matrix” moment that I felt compelled to investigate the availability of the domain name glitchinthematrix dot com… it was taken (no surprise.) That was actually a good thing because it lead me to grab-up GlitchyMatrix.com (a much pithier option I feel.)

I am excited to venture into this creation and have chosen the moniker “Glitch N. Matrix” with which to present content on this site. Apologies to Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck for choosing his visage (flipped) to stand for my Mr. Matrix – I am quite uncertain why I chose to do so

The internet is chock-full of reports of the strange, bizarre and inexplicable. It is my intention to seek out examples of this Glitchy Matrix in which we live to share them with readers. I will gladly accept story submissions and suggestions and hope to one day make GlitchyMatrix.com a “go-to” source for reports of glitches in the matrix.

From the category: Personal Reflections


It is a timeworn cliché to ask the question, “where were you when the lights went out?”; this being ostensibly a reference to the legendary Northeast Blackout of 1965. So too, are many folks prompted to recall events of three years prior to that catastrophe, when plied with the question, “where were you when Kennedy was shot?” We who were alive during those occurrences may (or may not) be able to offer solid alibis for our whereabouts and activities at the time, but when an apparent Glitch in the Matrix occurs in conjunction with a major event, the moment will be forever etched in your consciousness. This is my story of just such a moment…

Dancing PeopleSeveral years ago I was given the gift of a really nice earthenware coffee mug that featured embossed, silhouetted figures of people dancing – in a petroglyphic motif – about its circumference. It was an uplifting graphic that added buoyancy to its substantial heft. This mug became my constant companion as I would transport my “wake-up juice” on my daily three mile commute to the photo lab at which I was employed.

I recall one day, while heading off to work, I stopped momentarily to tie my shoe; using my truck’s bumper to prop up my foot for the task. It was not until I was walking into work, and rounding the back of the truck that I noticed the coffee cup setting where I left it – on the rear bumper – without so much as a drop missing from it’s precious cargo. I tell you this anecdote to illustrate why I had taken to thinking of this item as “my lucky cup.”

This talismanic status was to be a short-lived manifestation however, for not long after the mug’s demonstration of its amazing survival skills, it met its match in the form of the concrete sidewalk just outside my home’s front gate. My house at the time had a chain-link fence and a front gate that I would routinely pass through; performing the action of unlatching, opening, closing and latching. One fateful morning as I was turning to close the gate, my prized earthenware work of art tumbled from my grasp and fell (seemingly in slow motion) to the pavement below – shattering into countless small pieces. At the time I could not fathom the forces that would cause me to subject my inanimate friend to such an awful fate but could not dwell on the matter as I was off to work.

When I arrived at the lab a crowd of fellow employees were gathering around a large central work table where the manager was setting up a television. “What’s going on?” I inquired to the dazed and confused looking assembly…

The timing was just about right. The explanation was clear. Tuesday, September 11, 2001. 8:46:40: Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99.

Norman Vincent Peale“This is a dynamic and mysterious universe and human life is, no doubt, conditioned by imponderables of which we are only dimly aware. People sometimes say, “the strangest coincidence happened.” Coincidences may seem strange, but they are never a result of caprice. They are orderly laws in the spiritual life of man. They affect and influence our lives profoundly. These so-called imponderables are so important that you should become spiritually sensitized to them. Indeed, the more spiritually minded you become the more acute your contact will be with these behind-the-scenes forces. By being alive to them through insight, instruction, and illumination, you can make your way past errors and mistakes on which, were you less spiritually sensitive, you might often stumble.”


  • Norman Vincent Peale, Stay Alive All Your Life

Have you ever experienced a glitch that seemed related to a remote event? Tell us about it in the comments below.

 Please add GlitchyMatrix.com to your blog visitation rotation,
I hope to have great fun over there and hope you decide to join me.




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Digging Up The Roots of Cyberspace

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Port 70After over twenty years, I finally did it...

It has been that long since the dial-up modem took me into the esoteric world of the Trader's Connection Bulletin Board system of Indianapolis, Indiana. That was the first hub connection to the internet I was able to access and set me back $4.95 every blessed month. Of course there was a freely available dial-up connection to the Indianapolis/Marion County public library but access to the world outside of their facility was mainly connections to other Libraries across the U.S.

LYNX iconT-CON (as the BBS came to be known) offered a portal to the upstart "world wide web" via the venerable, text only, internet browser known as "LYNX" and while websites were all the rage, it was GopherSpace that was "where the action is."

It was in that era when I learned the basics of internet page building. Not too many years later I was cutting my teeth on the LINUX operating system and hosting my own website servers. Through it all I was longing for the early days of inter-web exploration and vowing to build up a GopherSpace location in an effort to do my part toward keeping that means of communications viable. Without further ado... I am pleased to announce this long awaited dream of mine is now on-line:


Imagine a world where the internet does not track you with cookies. Imagine an internet without advertising (if you dare.) GopherSpace is that internet. GopherSpace stood as early predessor of the internet of today. This undeniable resurgence of the Gopher Protocol could possibly represent the roots of a brand new World Wide Web. And after all who ever said there could be only one? If this sounds like something that might interest you why wait... Get yourself a copy of LYNX browser installed on your system and "Gopher IT!"


      iIIIIIi       iIIIIIi     Welcome to the InfinitelyRemote GopherHole!
     IIIIIIIIIi    IIIIIIIII             How did you end up here?
     II     iIIi  iIIi    II
    IIi      iII IIi      iII     contact: gopher@InfinitelyRemote.com
    II         IIIi        II           (if you think you should.)
    II         IIIi        II
    IIi      iIIiIIi      iII    This service has been prepared as an edu-
    iII     III   III     IIi    cational exersize - much content has been
     IIIIIIIII     IIIIIIIII     assembled from questionable sources  ---
      iIIIIIi       iIIIIIi      browse accordingly. ;-)      & Enjoy!


A rare interview with some of the founders of Gopher:
Mark McCahilll and Farhad Anklesaria


Description -English: A rare interview with some of the founders of Gopher: Mark McCahilll and Farhad Anklesaria, also including some early screenshots.    Date     2 November 2013, 21:43:08    Source     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR76UI7aTvs    Author     Kevin Henninger, Mark McCahill, Farhad Anklesaria and John Goerzen (jgoerzen@complete.org)


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Some Old New Friends

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Friends & Partners

In searching out some digitized text from "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy to insert into an article I was working on over at The Vestibule I was rewarded with the complete volume of the work. This exercise also served to introduce a very interesting, international, collaborative project between individuals in the United States of America and Russia and the Newly Independent States: Friends & Partners.

The sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language, and no single language is capable of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension. - Ezra Pound The website is certainly dated and its home page serves to celebrate the sites 20th anniversary (which occurred January 19, 2014.) It is unfortunate that this (obviously monumental) labor of love has stagnated in its development. However, it is found none-the-less worthy of those glowing rays of attention bestowed by the BlogDogIt Spotlight.

As luck would have it we have made our discovery in time to congratulate this web service on 25 years of contribution to the world wide body of knowledge. 

Born on January 19, 1994, Friends and Partners is one of the first Internet services developed jointly by citizens of the United States and Russia. Resulting from a chance meeting on the Internet (you can read our story here), it is but one of many examples of how the Internet, itself rooted in the Cold War separating our nations, can provide an effective means of bringing us together.

About the authors . . . We are Natasha Bulashova, of Pushchino Russia, and Greg Cole of Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Our careers in information science led to our chance meeting via the Internet and to our discovery that despite cultural differences, a steep language barrier, and the misunderstandings upon which we were raised, we can become good friends. It is our greatest hope that this server will help others do the same. 

Please Note: Many of the links offered on the Friends & Partners web site are broken due to age and attrition but a great deal of valuable resources and entertaining content are still available to those willing to do a bit of cyber-exploration (you know who you are.)

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Keyhole into Shanghai City

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The Current Number One Post On BlogDogIt.com


Enjoy a unique bird's-eye panorama of Shanghai City captured on the Oriental Pearl Tower with a resolution of 195 gigapixel, highest of its kind in Asia. By BIGPIXEL Studio.

Many thanks to Vijay Shah (HEM News Agency) for sharing this discovery with us.

Prepare to be astounded!

[Bust out of frame]

Please post screen-shots of any interesting "finds" in the comments below.

Check out the viewer platform here: https://krpano.com/





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Boss God

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I promised a follow-up article to "The Truth About God" and although I know (pretty much) the ideas I wish to convey, the approach to doing so has been somewhat elusive. With today being officially "Freethought Day," I figured it best to simply begin the task and work my way toward the end. To wit...

Earth Moon Boss God

A proposed discussion of God will probably elicit eye-rolls from the vast majority of potential readers while a minority might actually be intrigued. Those with long-held traditional beliefs may have zero desire to explore what others of differing ideals would have to say on the subject of a "Supreme Being."

Religion is big business. There seem to be more religious based institutions and houses-of-worship than coffee shops, which suggests to me that folks must need their God as much as (if not more than) their coffee. Like coffee, God seems to be available in several popular flavors: from the trendy to the traditional, chances are somebody, somewhere has a God for you.

Flying Spaghetti MonsterIt is this apparent discrepancy in God's identity that no doubt, turns many people away from a quest for the truth about God. With so many options on what to believe, many have determined the "safe bet" is to disregard the whole debate and live their lives like none of this matters. Others of course, will cling to their beliefs like nothing else matters. The fact of the matter is that God is Real whether we believe in Him or not .

Him. So many talk about God in the third person; like "He" is somehow apart from mankind. Big Bossman God, watching over his creation just waiting for someone to screw-up his hard work. "He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake." Oh wait, that's Santa Clause... "meh, same difference," some would say. Me? I really don't think God is that cute or concise.

I say God is REAL. More properly God is Reality; God is the reason for Reality. So many believers speak of God as existing somewhere "out there" - separate from "His Creation" - This cannot be. For God to be the Supreme, "He" must encompass the outermost. (Now stick with me here...) If it were possible for God to create a dwelling place that existed apart from his own essence then the space which contains that place would be greater than He. Therefor, "Everything that exists does so within this Supreme Being." Any quest for truth must begin with this undeniable fact.

Another essential fact - often overlooked, surprisingly - is that our existence is a series of consecutive "NOW" moments in time. Nothing can ever be any different than it is in each moment. A recognition of expectation that the next moment "will be" is perhaps the quintessential, defining characteristic of humanity.

Science has made tremendous strides in defining the boundaries of our universal existence to the extent of our ability to perceive. Religious beliefs are a testament to many aspects of our reality which are beyond our ability to readily perceive. A recognition that we all exist within the Reality that is God will go a long way toward understanding the truth of human equality and should bolster the cause of "COEXIST" - as if it were even a choice.

Not A Choice - COEXIST


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Ahead to the Past

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Ad RollerThanks to the BlogDogIt Friendly Ad Roller ™ I was reminded of Half and Half, the blog and brainchild of "half wit. half wisdom. a whole lot of nonsense."® Megan Lake (A.K.A. @meg_lago to her twits.) When her linky popped up randomly today I took the bait and decided to visit one of my preferred internet destinations.

I have to admit to disappointment however, when I discovered there had not been an entry made since two-nought-sixteen. Not exactly the end of the world because there is plenty of prose from her prolific pen - enough to profit even persistent perusers such as myself.

Meg and MickeyWondering what Meg was up to nowadays, I flew on over to twitter to check for life-signs. Encouraged to find tweets originating from within a fortnight I decided to explore some more and saw she was now listing her internet address as MeganKLake.com It was through this website I learned rather than abandoning her creative side she had instead put it to great effect as Senior Copywriter for the prestigious AMP Agency in Boston.

An investigation of the portfolio presented on her new website reveiled a somewhat less wry application of Meg-arts but I found it to be an enjoyable look into the future of Meg Lago's past. So it turns out that around the time she was walking away from the Half and Half she was walking into the World of Play-Doh. In typical BlogDogIt form I would like to wish Play-Doh an extreemly belated but sincere Happy 60th Anniversary and officialy / finally join in the celebration of "World Play-Doh Day!" (September 16)

Watch the following video short and tell me honestly you did not see this in Meg's Future ;)

  Source: https://videopress.com/v/N0mHwKfh 

Play-Doh tasked us with generating buzz around World Play-Doh Day. We interviewed kids from all over the world and asked them what they thought the future would look like, then we created it in Play-Doh, wrote a cohesive story and launched it on the brand’s 60th anniversary on September 16, 2016.

- Megan Lake [meganklake.com/playdoh/]

You never know what the future may hold; these kids may actually have it right. That Megan kid certainly did.

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Better Bring a Bindle Buddy.

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Remember going off to summer camp and returning home to find your family had moved without leaving a forwarding address? It's sort of like that...

Getting shut out of your your own home is certainly disconcerting (to say the least.) If you frequently connect to your home's network infrastructure from the outside world you'd like to think it will be there when you need it.
Unless you pay extra for an assigned "static IP Address", there is no guaranty that the publicly facing IP address for your home's router is going to stay the same. If you need to connect to your home's network from the internet at large you will need a Dynamic DNS service provider to keep track of any IP address changes that might occur.

DYNUFor many many years I had relied on Darktech.org to track my local network as InfinitelyRemote.DtDNS.net; which was working splendidly right up to the point when they "pulled the plug" on the service. Luckily my IP address had not changed for quite a while so I was still able to stay connected by directly accessing It was while investigating the loss of service that I discovered a single tweet on the subject posted by Tru Huynh @huynh_tru dated July 2 that said simply: thank you and farewell #dtdns (https://www.dtdns.com  DtDNS will be ceasing operations on August 1, 2018.)
- Yep, that seems about right.

A DuckDuckGo search for "Dynamic DNS Service" led me to DYNU Systems, Inc.  and their very gracious offer of free third level domain names. I promptly signed up for InfinitelyRemote.DYNU.net and soon found myself back in business.

DYNU Systems, Inc.

The thing about these types of services is that you must have an always-on  device on your network that can reach out to the DNS (domain name server) host and report what your current IP address is and if necessary record the change. This is done using "client" software which is readily available on the DYNU website. I already had a "home-brew" solution for keeping DtDNS up to date and was very pleased to find it just as suitable for use with the newly discovered DYNU.

Since I am hosting a 'mostly a website'™ from my home's network via a linux system I have the required address check/update client script running as a cron job (scheduled event) every 10 minutes. Basically here's how it works:

Using a "wget" command the script checks with http://DeBurger.com/myip to discover the currently assigned public IP address (as seen from the internet) of the network. This value is set for the IPADDR variable. The script then uses a "nslookup" command to see what DSNU.com name servers think my address should be. This value is set for the LASTIP variable.  A comparison is then made and if IPADDR is equal to LASTIP then nothing changes and the script is put away for another ten minutes. If however, IPADDR is not equal to LASTIP then something has changed and DYNU must be informed so their information can be updated. Using a specially crafted web address and the "wget" command, this information is delivered to the DYNU system and the new address becomes associated with the domain name. This means - if all goes well - when my IP address changes it should never take longer than 10 minutes for this fact to be discovered and the needed correction made. (The script's activity is also written to a LOG file for good measure.
masodo's IP_Basher Script ~

rm -f myip*
wget -q www.deburger.com/myip
IPADDR=`/bin/grep "." myip | /bin/awk '{ print $1 }'`
LASTIP=`/usr/bin/nslookup -sil infinitelyremote.dynu.net ns1.dynu.com | /bin/grep -A1 infinitelyremote.dynu.net | /bin/grep Address: | /bin/awk '{ print $2 }'`
UPDATE="wget -O - http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?myip=$IPADDR&username=<MyUserName>&password=<MyPassword_MD5-hash>"
 if [ "$IPADDR" != "$LASTIP" ]; then
echo "`date` - Posted IP change from $LASTIP to $IPADDR" >> /usr/local/sbin/IP_basher_log
  echo "`date` - IP still $IPADDR" >> /usr/local/sbin/IP_basher_log

TLDR: There was precious little reporting about the demise of DtDNS so I thought I would help spread the news. I look forward to many years with DYNU and only hope if they decide to go away they might give a little more of a "heads-up" than we got from the other guy.

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Renewed Obsession

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Get a grip on HTML5Not one to let this internet fad get too far beyond my grasp, I have been obliged to explore the inner workings of the new HTML5 protocols for the construction of web pages. My studies have been mostly in the form of deconstructing some of the HTML5 games I have been installing over at the DeBurger Game Room online arcade.

Time TunnelIt must have been within the confines of that more methodical - dare I say, logical - mode of thinking that my pet thought exercise - the previously revealed inspiration for my gravitar icon [
see: Mathematical Obsession? ] - concerning geometry of circumscribed square inscribed with circle, returned once again to my center of consciousnesses. This simple geometric construct has always suggested, to my mind, some hidden, cosmic significance. Beckoning me  with those forces of the universe that can really only be explored through carefully administered mathematics.

Not one to let my inability to carefully administer mathematics hinder me in an attempt, I took it upon myself to create within the esoteric mechanics of the javascript programming language, a representation of this geometric abstraction/distraction that offered an added dimension to my usual 2 dimensional envisagement of form by the inclusion of the fourth with a suggestion of the third; an exercise I entered into with all the certainty of a theoretical physicist albeit without the typically manditory, prerequisite education.

More questions than answersArmed only with the preconceived notion of what I wanted to depict I - by way of the internet - became myself, a virtual cog in the machine with which the global, computational hive-mind works tirelessly to replicate itself through the dissemination of knowledge among the hairless apes in a way that stresses the inevitable futility of resistance.   

Clay TabletIt was while immersed in the vagaries of determining the proper expansion rates of circles in comparison to squares that I happened upon a quite irrational little discovery that I have learned has been known since 1600 - 1800 B.C. Mesopotamia, as evidenced in the Babylonian clay tablet known as YBC 7289 (from the Yale Babylonian Collection. Image to the left †)  The required incantation invoked in order to bring to life my vision of the infinitely expanding, nested shapes was what is commonly referred to as "The Square Root of Two" or more precisely: "approximately 1.41421356237..."

The result of this exercise is presented within the "iFrame" below followed by the code required to draw the effect. Those who do not understand such things should stand in awe of my achievement. Those who can see quite clearly when they peer into the supplied code will rightly bust-a-gut at the hack chosen to render the desired effect. In either case, I hope that when you gaze upon this meager point-plot animation you will remember those early humanoids as well as this somewhat more recently developed model together in that same moment wherein you wonder, "what were they thinking?"

"CubeSphere" by masodo

The HTML5/javascript code to render the above animation:

<!doctype html><html><head><title>Canvas Concentric Test</title></head><body style="background-color:#000000;"><canvas id="L1"style="z-index:1;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"height="360px"width="360px">Canvas not supported.</canvas><script type="application/javascript">var L1, CX, RX, RY, RX2, RY2, RW, RH, stx, enx, WIDTH=360, HEIGHT=360, pxt=1, pls=.1, St1="#fff";function init(){L1=document.getElementById("L1"), CX=L1.getContext("2d"), setInterval(D1, 80)}function D1(){for(pls<1&&(pls+=.1), pls>.4&&(pls=.1), stx=0, enx=8, RW=pls, RH=pls, RX=180, RY=180, RX2=180, RY2=180, CX.beginPath(), CX.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), CX.closePath();stx<=enx;stx++)CX.strokeStyle=St1, CX.lineWidth=pxt, stx>1&&(CX.lineWidth=pxt+1), stx>2&&(CX.lineWidth=pxt+1), stx>3&&(CX.lineWidth=pxt+2), stx>4&&(CX.lineWidth=pxt+4), stx>5&&(CX.lineWidth=pxt+8), stx>6&&(CX.lineWidth=pxt+16), stx>7&&(CX.lineWidth=pxt+24), RH=RH+RH+1, RX-=(RW=RW+RW+1)/4, RY-=RW/4, RX2-=1.41421356237*RW/4, RY2-=1.41421356237*RW/4, CX.beginPath(), CX.strokeRect(RX2, RY2, 1.41421356237*RW, 1.41421356237*RH), CX.strokeRect(RX, RY, RW, RH), CX.arc(180, 180, 1.41421356237*RW/2, 0, 4*Math.PI, !1), CX.moveTo(180+RW/2, 180+RW/2), CX.arc(180, 180, RW/2, 0, 4*Math.PI, !1), CX.closePath(), CX.stroke()}init();</script></body></html>

† A black and white rendition of the Yale Babylonian Collection's Tablet YBC 7289 (c. 1800–1600 BCE), showing a Babylonian approximation to the square root of 2 (1 24 51 10 w: sexagesimal) in the context of Pythagoras' Theorem for an isosceles triangle. The tablet also gives an example where one side of the square is 30, and the resulting diagonal is 42 25 35 or 42.4263888... Source: Bill Casselman and the Yale Babylonian Collection.


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