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Keyhole into Shanghai City

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Enjoy a unique bird's-eye panorama of Shanghai City captured on the Oriental Pearl Tower with a resolution of 195 gigapixel, highest of its kind in Asia. By BIGPIXEL Studio.

Many thanks to Vijay Shah (HEM News Agency) for sharing this discovery with us.

Prepare to be astounded!

[Bust out of frame]

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The Documentary of 195 gigapixel Shanghai photo

Image size: 195 gigapixel
Print size 199.7 meters
Number of photos: 8700
Production cycle: 2 months
Creation Date: May 2015
230 meters from Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower

The map shown below is roughly centered on Pearl Tower and was made to show the general extent of coverage by the 195 GigiPixel image presented above. The red circle indicates approximate distance to the Shanghai Ferris Wheel (location marked on enlarged map - click!) Not precise but gives some idea...

Click to Enlarge




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