Welcome to BlogDogIt Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 02:11 pm EST

Into Each Happiness a Little Horror Must Fall

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Comedy | Horror | MusicalVenturing aimlessly around the internet oftentimes results in seeing things that cannot be unseen. Sometimes an image is so compelling that it leaves you with little choice but to take a closer look. The picture above is one of those images that demand more than a casual glance and investigating its origin is what led me to the discovery of The Happiness of the Katakuris; quite possibly the greatest Comedy Horror Musical since The Rockey Horror Picture Show.

In searching around to see what others were saying about this film I happened upon Film Grimoire's review of "Happiness" and as a result found another gem of a web site to share with the fans of BlogDogIt.


Film Grimoire

the-happiness-of-the-katakuris-eastern-starThe Happiness
of the Katakuris

Surrealist, horror, musical, black comedy

Takashi Miike’s musical-horror-comedy The Happiness of the Katakuris (2001) follows the exploits of the failure-prone members of the Katakuri family as they start up their quiet mountain bed & breakfast inn. As business starts picking up, and all their guests begin dying of various ridiculous causes, the Katakuri family is forced to band together in the face of supernatural events.

Takashi Miike is responsible for such shockingly violent films as Ichi the Killer (2001), Audition (1999), and Izo (2004). It is no shock that The Happiness of the Katakuris contains quite a bit of violence and death. But is it surprising that the majority of that violence is presented as humorous, and often times can actually be quite funny. Only Takashi Miike, the master of on-screen death, can present the multiple deaths of innocent people as shamefully hilarious. There were moments where I caught myself laughing and actually thought, “Wow, I’m a horrible person for finding this funny.”

[Please Continue Reading on Film Grimoire Website]

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Vampires of Dubois County

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Meet Count DuboisA Short Film made for the
Southwest Indiana Film Festival.

Written and Directed by
Patrick Higgs

: Markus Porter, Tammy Fowler, Mark Dessauer, Blake Schaefer, Carmen Mazick, Charlie Higgs, Misty Sisqo, Alex Schaefer and Cindy Maples as the Narrator.


This film was made for a tiny budget of $500.00 and was made with specific requirements. We hope you enjoy and remember to visit Dubois County and tell them Vladimir sent you! [source YouTube]

If you enjoyed this film please visit the IMDb page
and give it a Like and share this video.

Patrick Higgs
From Patrick Higgs Facebook Page:
Yesterday spent all day the Film Festival for SWIFF. It the was first one they held and hopefully the first of many more to come. Unfortunately my film didn't win any of the awards, but it was well received and had a great round of applause at the end - and laughs in the right places. I realized it wasn't going to ever be perfect, but I was happy with the end product. Thank you to everyone involved in making it and helping in any way. I look forward to making another one soon and hopefully get better each time. On behalf of the Vampires of Dubois County, you are commanded to watch, and if you live in Dubois County, I will guarantee you in the coming weeks you will see more and more Vampires coming out of the coffin-maybe even knocking at your door.

[Patrick Higgs Image Source: PatrickHiggs.com]


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Enchantingly Smooth - Contact Juggling

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Welcome to the home of optical illusions, visual deception, trompe l'oell, plus anything that makes you look twice.This is Ian Jenson practicing the most pleasing art of "Contact Juggling." The music:Fiction - Ice XV is a perfect fit and is most agreeable. Filmed at National Taiwan University 台灣大學 in Taipei, Taiwan

Video discovered on OpticalSpy. Thanks once again to Spy Man!


Contact Juggling - Taiwan (台灣大學) from Kuma Films on Vimeo.

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Content Contentment?

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Searching For ReasonsIn her article, Reading, Writing, and Rejection, Amanda Wood offered the following for Defining Content...

Words, music, photos, moving images, paper, pixels, electric impulses, radio waves bouncing off plastic and metal. We grow bored easily, disseminate and absorb content at random, jump from media to medium, streaming, screaming, steaming. There is no time to pause. Produce produce produce. Pass it on. Delete.

Visit Amanda's Blog: Searching for Reasons | One Writer's Quest to be Published


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Robot Heart - ANTHEM

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I Am Kawehi Robot HeartEarlier I said I was going to
keep an eye on

Now See...

This is what I'm talkin' 'bout!

Enjoy (View on Vimeo for best rez!)

ANTHEM - By Kawehi
(Hot off of her newest EP, "Robot Heart")

HAPPY MONDAY MOFOS!!!! As promised, here is a new music video for ANTHEM, the first single off of my latest release, Robot Heart. Every sound you hear on ANTHEM was created solely with my vocals - hence Paul's idea behind the video:)

I realized after we finished recording the EP that all of the songs were about a Robot stealing peoples hearts and about questioning the worth of the human race as a whole. It was *censored* depressing...which doesn't usually bother me, but this time, I was thirsty for something positive. And thus came the idea of ANTHEM - as a reminder that yeah, we can be assholes at times – but as a race, we are in charge of our own lives – and ultimately we can make a difference in the lives of others through generosity and compassion.

I believe in you – you are the answer, you are the truth – so whatcha gonna do?

Get your copy of ANTHEM: kawehi.bandcamp.com/album/robot-heart As always, say WASABI! or YO!: facebook.com/iamkawehi On Twitta: @iamkawehi Say YO! to Paul: vimeo.com/user9608823

Boom shaka-laka, Kawehi

Source Vimeo

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Diggin' some Kawehi

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I Am Kawehi Robot HeartBelieve it or not I still try to make time to explore those many links to Belgian websites in the BlogDogIt article: Cyberspace-Archeology - "The Dig".  I am currently working my way through the "D" section and found myself on the website of Darkman: darklife.com, where I happened upon the following music video of Kawehi doing a mind-blowing cover of Nirvana's hit "Heart-Shaped Box."


According to Darkman:
"Kawehi is een Hawaiiaanse die als one woman band interessante covers brengt. Niet altijd even goed, maar ze geeft tenminste een eigen twist aan het origineel. En ze gaat er stevig in op. In Nirvana en Nine Inch Nails bijvoorbeeld."

...but I would not let that stop you. She is all over social media and I for one plan to keep an eye on this techno-tunesmith. Maybe you will too. [smiley:;)]





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Maniac on the Loose (on the internet!)

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Maniac on the Loose
Watch it now for free!

Escaped! Big Biting Pig Productions

NOTE - Below is the review I wrote for IMDB: 

I had a good time watching Maniac on the Loose. If you have ever said that you like horror movies I am sure you will enjoy this too!

It is a brilliant tale about an escaped mental patient and why that can be a such bad thing. Steve Hudgins has woven a tale that should have everyone calling their local mental institutions to verify that ALL the doors are locked. It has been said that too much knowledge is a dangerous thing and Steve skillfully doles out this plot in a manner that perhaps will make you feel just a little too safe. But it's for your own good. You like surprises don't you? Do you like think you know the score? When a maniac is on the loose it is best just to stay at home, right? Really? In this case the best place to be is anywhere but Madisonville.

Murder! In some ways this is a cautionary tale on the pitfalls of on-line romance. In other ways it is a cautionary tale on the pitfalls of getting up and going to work. In ALL ways this is an excellent creation by the good folks at Big Biting Pig Productions. The camera work is admirable. The sound is A-O-K. The musical score is awesomely effective. The editing is Super-Good. The acting is just about to the top notch.

It has Humor cards. It has Suspense and Mystery Cards. It has Horror and Creepy cards. Are you in? The dealing has begun but beware, Steve has masterfully stacked this deck!

I recommend this for those who like good clever fiction with just enough terror to keep you glued to the screen.

Many thanks to Big Biting Pig Productions for teaming up with Snagfilms to bring this indie horror classic to the internet at large!

Share and Enjoy!   

[ Watch Video Below ]


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The Telemarketer [A Short Film]

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The Telemarketer wins "Best Plot"
Fright Night film festival - 2014 Louisville Fandom Fest!


Communindie Films in association with Lunch Hour Films Presents:

Work sucks, even in the future.The Telemarketer
Work sucks, even in the future.

In the not too distant future, telemarketing is going to get even harder for vacuum cleaner salesman, Martin Banks. Martin's boss introduces teleporting as the next great way to place their products in the customer's homes. But no amount of training could have prepared Martin for what he will find in this home. Proving that works sucks, even in the future. Synopsis by Cindy Maples [Source: IMDB]

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Joe Atkinson, Cindy Maples, Sean Roberts, Mark Dessauer, Rusty James and introducing Rachel Fisher

Directed By: Jon Higgins




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UFOs of Boyle

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The Skys Over BoyleBoyle, Co. Roscommon - an ordinary small town in the west of Ireland has become widely known as a "Hotspot" of UFO activity. Pete Higgins claims that as a child growing up in Boyle, "I never even caught a glimpse of any mysterious objects." Follow with him now as he presents "an open minded glimpse into the notion of belief and skepticism in a small Irish Community.*"

*UFO on Vimeo

UFO from Pete Higgins on Vimeo.

Sky Image By masodo

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Tesla - Sparking the Imagination

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Breaking Tweet!

This Just In!Elon Musk Donates $1 Million to New Tesla Museum

Happy Tesla Day! - July 10th

Nikola TeslaNikola Tesla
Inventor, Engineer (c. 1856–1943)

Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla was born in July of 1856, in what is now Croatia. He came to the United States in 1884, and briefly worked with Thomas Edison before the two parted ways. He sold several patent rights, including those to his alternating-current machinery, to George Westinghouse. His 1891 invention, the "Tesla coil," is still used in radio technology today. Tesla died in New York City on January 7, 1943. [biography.com]

Nikola Tesla Birthday

Image Source: Physics Today
Portrait Image Above from Wikipedia.

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