Welcome to BlogDogIt Monday, January 20 2025 @ 04:26 pm EST

Caged Beasts From A Simpler Time

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The Internet Archive

The Internet Archive has opened a new "wing" thanks to the efforts of Mikko Hyppon (Chief Research Officer for F-Secure) and Jason Scott (Software Collections Curator at the Internet Archive.) You can now experience the horror from early days of personal computing. But fear not because these are DE-fanged versions of those heart-stopping creations. Enjoy the creative side of these infections thanks to embedded computer emulators utilized to display this impressive collection.

Smell Like SmokeThe Malware Museum
Creator: Mikko Hypponen
Curator: Jason Scott

"The Malware Museum is a collection of malware programs, usually viruses, that were distributed in the 1980s and 1990s on home computers. Once they infected a system, they would sometimes show animation or messages that you had been infected. Through the use of emulations, and additionally removing any destructive routines within the viruses, this collection allows you to experience virus infection of decades ago with safety."

Scroll the screen-grab image below and click it to visit the actual collection page at Archive.org 

The Malware Museum


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Thanksgiving Data Rap

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  Happy Thanksgiving!  
  from BlogDogIt.com  

Please enjoy this fun little audio recording
done by Garrison Keillor from the

November 23, 1996 broadcast of
A Prairie Home Companion

(Live from The Town Hall in New York City)


Thanksgiving Data

By Garrison Keillor, AS, PD, GH, AK
Featuring: Garrison Keillor; chord progression:
Pat Donohue

A scientific study of 247 Thanksgiving dinners has given us data
Showing that 92% included turkey,
Cranberries, gravy and mashed potata,
Except for Norwegian bachelor farmers
Who ate dinner alone by their TV screens,
Of whom 52% had tunafish and noodles,
And 48% had weiners and beans.

Scientific research at 247 Thanksgiving dinners has made it clear
That 45% of the dinners were served
Twenty minutes later than they were last year.
Due to the increased use of appetizers,
Particularly in the northeast,
55% of the men over forty
Were 80% full before the start of the feast.

Behavior studies at Thanksgiving dinners
Show that 64% of the women and men
Intended to take just one small helping
And to say, No thanks, when it came back again.
About 46% said, "Oh, just a little...."
And 21 percent said, "No...Well, all right."
Some changed their minds because it looked so delicious,
Two-thirds did just to be polite.

Psychological profiles at Thanksgiving dinners
As you can see from the bars on the graph
Show that people who ate pie made up their minds
At the very last minute what kind they would have.
Mincemeat and apple showed an 8% increase,
Pumpkin experienced 10% growth;
But in the nine out of ten homes where two kinds were offered,
Sixty-four percent had a little piece of both.

A scientific study of 247 Thanksgiving dinners show that 85%
Of the people who ate those Thanksgiving dinners
Felt somewhat, mostly, or completely content.
Men over thirty showed an average weight gain
Of 3.2 by the late afternoon.
Most sat around and talked about health clubs,
22 percent said they're joining one soon.

A study of 247 people who had eaten their dinners or were almost through
Showed that 93 percent experienced an average 21 point decline in IQ.
43 percent sat around in a stupor,
15 percent felt somewhat dull
33 percent felt a pool of butterfat
Slowly congealing inside their skull.

Autopsies done on Thanksgiving evening
Show that the arteries were clamped shut tight
Due to the effect of watermelon pickles.
Avoid those pickles and you'll be all right.
Watermelon pickles are definitely dangerous
And capers --- capers can give you the vapors
And avoid sardines and mesclun greens
And of course you should never drink sumac wine
Stay away from capers and watermelon pickles
And sardines and sumac and you'll be just fine.



Visit A Prairie Home Companion web site and explore the incredible archives offered there; you will find recordings of practically every APHC broadcast available for your listening pleasure.




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All Hallows Eve Is Upon Us

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Bedtime Monsters


An Alternate Universe

“There’s a monster neath my bed
Just go and have a look
There’s a monster neath my bed
Reading my favorite book

He’s creepy and he’s ugly and
He’s got a million eyes
He waits for me to fall asleep
Then he’ll eat me alive

There’s a monster neath my bed
Believe me when I say
So just please go and have a look
And make it go away”

And so I went and had a look
Though I did not suspect
It seemed as if that boy of mine
Was very near correct

For though a monster sitting there
Was just what did appear
He was kind of pathetic as
His body shook with fear

I said “You are a scary thing
A horrid evil sight
Shouldn’t it be me not you
Who shakes with dread and fright?”

His million eyes did look at me
And he let out a yelp
And then he sidled up to me
And said “I need your help

They said no harm would come to me
I’ve clearly been misled
Cause don’t look now but there’s a boy
On top of my bed.”

 -- Marissa Bergen

Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth
Saving The World From Stupidity…One Blog At A Time





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Director: Cindy Maples

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Director Cindy MaplesRandom represents indie sensation, Cindy Maple's directorial debut. The film was written by Cindy and wisely places her in a starring role beside her real life hubby Rusty James.

Graphically powerful and erotically romantic, this touching film offers the viewer a delightfully voyeuristic glimpse into this pivotal night of life and love for the unquestionably happy couple. Cindy Maples brings to the screen a side of herself that this reviewer will not soon forget while Mina Fedora's original score sets the mood and caries us solidly through to the final fade.

A truly impressive 7 minute short that showcases the talents of all involved in a polished work that will no doubt serve as first-rate resume enhancements for the creative, technical, cinematic and production personnel. Carriage House Productions and Cindy Maples prove once again that they are in it to win it.

The Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDoMNC2FGSk

This review was written by me for submission to IMDB

One Night Changes Everything

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Bitchkoemer and Friends Go to Fano

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25ste Internationaal Vlieger FestivalThe Dig project continues slowly but surely. Collecting the various bookmarks for the alphabetical highlight pages is a lot of fun but I especially  enjoy uncovering something that demands to be shared in the form of a post. The website I am sharing here is a Dutch language tribute to the 2009 Fanoe Kite Festival and features the adventures of three daring Belgian thrill seekers. 

You should probably brush-up on your Dutch or fire-up the translator before visiting their website but you are sure to enjoy the video below (created by Michel "Bitchkoemer" De Meester) which clearly speaks the universal language of friendship and fun!

Kite Buggy

DenmarkEen weekje Fano 2008
A week of Fano 2008
        from Michel De Meester

Eind juni 2008 trokken we met de motorhome een weekje naar Fano.
In late June 2008, we went with the motor home for a week to Fanoe.

Uitsluitend om te buggiën en een beetje te genieten van het vliegerfestival.
Mostly for buggying and a bit to enjoy the kite festival.

Hier ziet u een korte samenvatting van onze "uitspattingen" aldaar.
Here is a brief summary of our "excesses" there.


Bitchkoemer (B1084)


 The Video: https://vimeo.com/1564977


Wie zijn wij?
Who are we?

Soms noemen we ons "Tree of a Kite", een woordspeling van de bekende poker term "Three of a Kind".
Sometimes we call ourselves "Tree of a Kite," a pun of the famous poker term "Three of a Kind."

We zijn inderdaad "Three of a Kind", we zijn met drie, we kennen elkaar al jaren en hebben samen al heel wat woelige watertjes doorzwommen, kortom drie goede vrienden, ieder met een eigen persoonlijkheid maar door onze vriendschap zijn we, net als broers, meestal wel in elkaars buurt te vinden.
We are indeed "Three of a Kind", we are three, we've known each other for years and have been together for quite some turbulent lessons learned. In short, three good friends, each with their own personality but through our friendship we, as brothers, are typically found together.

"Tree" verwijst enerzijds naar "drie" , maar ook naar het dorp waar we alle drie wonen: "Boom" (tussen Antwerpen en Brussel), "Kite" spreekt voor zich, we zijn alle drie met de vliegersport bezig.
"Tree" on the one hand refers to "three", but also to the village where we all three live: "Boom" (between Antwerp and Brussels) [boom means "tree"], "Kite" Obviously, we are all involved with the sport kite.

Michel De Meester
De oudste (en dus ook de slimste :-)
The oldest (and therefore the smartest :-)

Michel De Meester, in de vliegerwereld beter bekend als Bitchkoemer (B1084), houdt zich voornamelijk bezig met buggiën, maar ook af en toe een éénlijnertje onder de naaimachine duwen lukt hem wel.
Michel De Meester, in the kite world known as Bitchkoemer (B1084) mainly engages in buggying, but also occasionally pushing a tow-kite through a sewing machine with successful results. [?]

Rudy Belis
De middelste
The middle

Rudy Belis, de buggy collega's kennen hem als FamGaga (B1158), hij rijdt ondertussen iets meer dan een jaartje en begint zich aardig uit de slag te trekken in zijn karreke.
Rudy Belis, the buggy colleagues know him as FamGaga (B1158), meanwhile he runs a little over a year and begins to withdraw from the battle in his nice karreke. [?]

Peter Bastaens
De jongste (en ook de lelijkste)
The youngest (and the ugliest)

Peter Bastaens AKA Viper, zal af en toe wel enkele rakjes rijden maar houdt zich voornamelijk bezig met onze technische ondersteuning, ook de catering valt meestal onder zijn bevoegdheid (lees pintjes halen voor de rijders :-)
Peter Bastaens AKA Viper, will occasionally do some buggy driving but is mainly concerned with technical support, also catering usually falls under its jurisdiction (read: fetch beers for the drivers :-) [?]

Do you feel called to participate in the organization?
Do you feel called to sponsor us with "beverage and food?"

...please do not hesitate to send an email to someone of "Tree of a Kite!"


Bitchkoemer (B1084)


FamGaga (B1158)






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Digg - These Aliens

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Take Me To Your LeaderFrom their earliest cinematic appearance in Georges Méliès's "A Trip to the Moon" in 1902, our conception of life beyond Earth has changed to reflect our hopes and fears, the technology we've mastered, and our growing knowledge of the universe. Watch our depictions of extraterrestrial life change over nearly 100 films and 112 years.

Edited by:
Adam Schleichkorn (Mylo the Cat) & Bryan Menegus

Music by: Radiohead

Source: The History Of Aliens In Film on Digg - YouTube Channel

The Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfMnJtIHTMU

 [ Complete list of films below ]

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The Lives We Live - Now Under Way!

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The Lives We Live - A Reality Show - Pilot‘The Lives We Live’ is different. The very first reality show in the blogging format – like many engagements produced within The Neighborhood – it breaks new ground in online entertainment. But more importantly, unlike the overwhelming majority of our other nearly 300 original shows, most of the contributors are not artists and were not actively seeking the spotlight when i sought them out. But here they are, living their lives out loud, and perhaps one of them, may be on their way to becoming an underground star. Source: The Neighborhood "performance art of blogging & imagination to change the world." – Kendall F. Person

My music is a reflection of my life and my deep southern roots.
– Nashville Recording Artist Lance Stinson, Lumber City Georgia

BlogDogIt Note: Today I received a twitter notification on my cell (like ya' do) reminding me that the ground-breaking reality show from TheNeighborhood titled "The Lives We Live" was happening today. Thanks to Kendall for the reminder because my day was getting the better of me and I was actually "spacing" the whole affair. After looking in on the event and listening to Lance Stinson's contribution I decided to add to my workload and get this here post up lickety-split.

This song is SO Country that I almost gave it a pass. Then somewhere along the way my southern blood got to bubblin' and before I knew what hit me I was remembering those bygone days when I once counted myself a fan of the genre.

I like to think of myself of a connoisseur of every type of music (I am a follower of The Neighborhood after all) but I tell you what, Lance Stinson hits the nail square on the head with this one when he reminds us that "Country [particularly real-deal country] Never Goes Out Of Style!"

And now... Back to the show


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Watch It Now... "The Pale King"

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Earth to Talia...Mystery novelist Talia has success, a supportive husband, a beautiful new home in the countryside -- but no new ideas. However, a discovery on the grounds of Talia's new home captures her imagination. In an ancient chest she finds art dedicated to a demon called The Pale King, art that could only be the product of a tormented mind. Before long, the Pale King whispers to Talia, and her quest to create becomes an obsession with darkness -- one that could drive her to murder.

[Summary Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4238874/]

The Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpn5YlJmMoI

Written and Directed by Anton Barnett
Starring Kristine Renee Farley, Markus Porter with Stephen Smith
Produced by LaShaundra Bridges, Miles Christian Harris & James Treakle
Music by Miles Christian Harris
Cinematography by
Robert Dalley

The Pale King (2015) - Directed by Anton Barnett
©2015 Anton Barnett, LaShaundra Bridges and Valiant Dead LLC

Wine Glass Detail with Kristine Renee Farley Image Above Extracted From Film By BlogDogIt


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Pareidolia - Let's Face It...

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par·ei·do·lia (păr′Ä«-dō′lÄ“-É™) n.

The perception of a recognizable image or meaningful pattern where none exists or is intended, as the perception of a face in the surface features of the moon.

Images from the interwebs.


 Click On The Image For Source Page

Be sure to follow http://www.reddit.com/r/Pareidolia

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Goldfish Follies

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Goldfish Follies - Clarence

Obvious homage to the 1920s-1930s Fleischer Studios style of animation.
A pretty cool little cartoon!

Clarence Cartoon - Goldfish Follies


Premiered: April 9, 2015
Written by: Spencer Rothbell

Storyboarded by:
Stephen P. Neary
and Niki Yang

Story by:
Stephen P. Neary and Niki Yang


CL - Goldfish Follies by OverTheGardenWall

 Discovered at Kali Kazoo's Secret Hideaway

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Powers Of Perception

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Powers Of 10 - PicknicPowers of Ten™ (1977)

Powers of Ten takes us on an adventure in magnitudes. Starting at a picnic by the lakeside in Chicago, this famous film transports us to the outer edges of the universe. Every ten seconds we view the starting point from ten times farther out until our own galaxy is visible only a s a speck of light among many others. Returning to Earth with breathtaking speed, we move inward- into the hand of the sleeping picnicker- with ten times more magnification every ten seconds. Our journey ends inside a proton of a carbon atom within a DNA molecule in a white blood cell. POWERS OF TEN © 1977 EAMES OFFICE LLC (www.eamesoffice.com)

Text and Video Source: https://youtu.be/0fKBhvDjuy0



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Land o' Goshen!

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Grammercy Records

Funny how things often go 'off the rails' when in the midst of an internet search (for me they do at least.) All I wanted to do was confirm the definition of the word "gramercy" so I did a Yahoo search on the word and discovered that (according to thefreedictionary.com) it is an archaic interjection used to express surprise or gratitude. Besides that, I also became aware of a record label out of Seattle, WA called "Grammercy Records."

Their music catalog features records from the following genre: Blues, Jazz, Classical, World and Spiritual. I have been known to enjoy each of the above mentioned styles of music so I decided to step inside this little record shop and have a look around. They offer a pretty nice selection from a number of various artists; what really caught my eye were the record covers featured in the slide presentation below.

While I don't necessarily endorse the subjects shown in the graphics I must admit that I do enjoy the retro exploitation artwork...

Look but don't touch!






 Click On The Image To Enlarge

All images sourced from http://grammercy.com - Copyright © 2013 Grammercy Records, All Rights Reserved. Used without permission - I am hoping your visit to their website will get me off the hook.



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Escape With A Classic

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Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1962) is a French made film from Director Robert Enrico. It is an adaptation by him of the classic short story by Ambrose Bierce. Produced by Marcel Ichac and Paul de Roubaix.

An Occurrence at Owl Creek BridgeThe story is set during the Civil War and has been captured in black and white. The film opens on a railway bridge over Owl Creek where a Southern saboteur is about to be hanged....

This embedded video presents the 25 minute Twilight Zone broadcast (along with Spanish subtitles.) It had been awhile since I had seen this stirring motion picture and I enjoyed it nearly as much this time as any previous viewing. I trust you will too.



How about an audio rendition instead?:


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