Welcome to BlogDogIt Friday, July 26 2024 @ 07:37 pm EDT

XP Users: Kill Internet Explorer NOW!

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Please Read Carefully:

Firefox Eats IEBy now all users of the Windows XP operating system should be aware that Microsoft is no longer offering support for that system and as a result the built-in internet browser "Internet Explorer" is no longer to be considered safe for use. Any XP computer now used to access the internet should be using another browser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, etc.) for internet access. Once you have another browser installed you should disable Internet Explorer to prevent it from gaining access to the outside world. Unfortunately Internet Explorer is not a program that can be completely uninstalled but it is possible to effectively "turn it off."

STEP 1 - Before You Disable Internet Explorer You Must Install An Alternative Browser. BlogDogIt.com Recommends Firefox. Click the image below to go to the official Mozilla.org - Firefox Download Page:

  Get Firefox - Different By Design

During the installation process be sure to set Firefox as the default internet browser. You can also choose to transfer all your bookmarks and passwords as well.

The simplest and least destructive way to disable Microsoft Internet Explorer is to prevent it from being able to find the internet by pointing it to a "Dummy" proxy server. A proxy server normally acts as a relay of communications to and from the internet. By instructing IE to get its information from a non-existent proxy every attempt to access the internet will fail.

STEP 2 - Click the link below to download a zip file that contains the registry update file named  "DisableIE-XP.reg" save this file to your desktop (or wherever) and double click it to automatically disable Internet Explorer on your system.

Disable IE via Dummy-Proxy

When you double-click the DisableIE-XP.reg file you will get a pop-up alert asking:

"Are you sure you want to add the information in DisableIE-XP.reg to the registry?"

Select "Yes" and you will then get a confirmation that:

"Information in DisableIE-XP.reg has been successfully entered into the registry."

Alternatively you can copy the text from the box below and paste it into a text file named DisableIE-XP.reg if you would feel safer not using the prepared download.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings]

Following this modification Internet Explorer will no longer be able to access the internet. It will however, still work for pages saved on your computer and for locations on your local network.

Congratulations, you have just made Windows XP safe for the internet again. Of course the sage admonishment of "Be Careful What You Click" and "Use Protection" still apply.

Finally... The foregoing has been presented for it's potential educational value. You are responsible for the configuration of your own computer. Always know what you are doing before you do it. BlogDogIt cannot be held responsible for any action you take as a result of the information provided by this or any other content presented on its pages or in downloadable material.

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Remembering To Care About The Earth

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Iron Eyes CodyIt was GatorWoman reminiscing about her meeting with the legendary "Iron Eyes" Cody [see Walking With The Alligators - Earth Day Memories, then and now~] that got me thinking back to the mid-seventies and anti-pollution campaigns of days gone by.

From Wikipedia:

Cody was widely seen in his "crying chief" role in the "Keep America Beautiful" public service announcement (PSA) in the early 1970s. The environmental commercial showed Cody dressed as a Native American, shedding a tear after trash is thrown from the window of a car and it lands at his feet. The announcer, William Conrad, says: "People start pollution; people can stop it."

As memorable as that "Keep America Beautiful" spot was it was the United States Brewers Association's "Pitch In" campaign that I recall as being one of the most effective or rather affective anti-litter campaigns. It was that infectious "jingle" - written by Steve Karmen  that I recall as becoming a mid-seventies Brainworm.

Give A Hoot! Don't Pollute
Seeing this video again takes me back to those days in May spent at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in the days leading up to "The Greatest Spectacle In Racing" - The Indianapolis 500. In the height of the "Pitch In" campaign this song was played at the track with such absurd regularity that many in attendance fell prey to this anti-litter brainwashing and would join the collective hive-mind and sing along every time the PSA was broadcast. It was actually heartwarming to witness so many people joining their voices together in support of a cleaner planet. Even to this day, I cannot stand litter-bugs - coincidence? I think not...

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What's A Pentium For?

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End of the road for XP?Now that Windows XP is no longer a supported operating system you will find more and more of these older computers being pulled from service simply because it is thought that they are not safe and will bring harm to any network they might be connected to.

Disconnecting your old XP Computers from the network (particularly the internet) is probably good advice. Setting your XP driven computers on the curb is just plain wasteful. These old systems may well have much life left in them - particularly those older tank-built Pentium 4 machines manufactured for business use.

Before parting with your old XP computer think about whether it can be used in a single purpose capacity, also known as a computer kiosk. Is there a single program that the computer could run that might take a burden from your shiny new Windows 7 (or ok 8) computer? Imagine rather than booting-up, logging-in and starting the program; you need only turn on the machine to start the program you need.

Kiosk Mode

Regardless of your reason for running your machine in kiosk mode the key steps are going to be: 1.) disabling the log-in screen and 2.) Changing the default "SHELL" from Microsoft Windows Explorer to the program of your choice.

It is a good idea to first create a restricted user named "Kiosk" and don't even bother giving them a password.

I have already detailed the steps for disabling XP logins in a previous article [See BlogDogIt:
Disable XP Login]

Here are the steps to having your computer go straight to the program of your choice when it first starts up:

Perhaps one of the most used Windows XP applications in the world of business has been the program known as "Solitaire." This is a specialized business app that would be well suited for use on a dedicated machine in an office environment. This example will show how to set up Solitaire to run on start-up. You can apply these steps to your program of choice (PINBALL.EXE perhaps?)

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The Strain Sprain Spring Sprang Thang

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The new year brought with it a devastating storm that wrought havok in the Midwest U.S. Many in my area had to endure power outages that lasted for nearly a week as countless power lines were broken from falling tree limbs succumbing to the Blizzard of Twenty-Fourteen.

January 7, 2014

Click to biggerfy

We were fortunate at our homestead in that the worst of our damage was the TV antenna that went kabluey. This antenna and me go way back and I have been waiting for the day when mild weather and my weekend would align and allow me the opportunity to rescue this storm ravaged trooper.

April 13, 2014

Click to biggerfy

Yesterday (Saturday) was a beautiful day and I knew what I had to do. Up on the housetop with my  back-pocket for a tool caddy I began the procedure that would ultimately consume my afternoon.

With the project at ground level I could survey the damages and begin to formulate a plan for restoring the log periodic to this array. Ultimately I return once again to my 1/4 inch thick Plexi-Glass scrap [See BlogDogIt - Bridge Head Template] to fabricate the fix. A trip to the hardware store for the nuts and bolts and...

let the tinkerin' begin

Repair Detail

Total cost of repair: less than $10 - Result: Good as new!

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The Shoddy Onion

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Shoddy Onion - Rampaging Thoughts About Art and Life
Shoddy Onion graphic by BlogDogIt - For Dale if he wants it [smiley::D]

Friends of Dale Harkness and his blog "The Hindenburg Principle" will be pleased to know that after the  "Oh, The Humanity!" moments that resulted in the demise of that blog, Dale has announced the creation of a brand new site - rising up from the ashes - called "The Shoddy Onion"!

Why not stop by The Shoddy Onion and say hello... (Take a clothespin along for your nose if you have an aversion to the pungent smell of bulb-sprouted veggies.)

Shoddy? Well, that is in the nose of the beholder. I have been a fan of this blogger for a while now and encourage you to add him to your rotation - always thought provoking, entertaining and educational.

Here is a sample - the first post of many for The Shoddy Onion:

Rising From the Ashes 

The Shoddy Onion, what kind of name for blog is that you ask? Well now, would you easily forget a shoddy onion?

Ah, but the onion fumes are overpowering in here you say? Let’s do something about that by bootstrapping this blog up to let those shoddy onions make a fine fermented fuel for the engine of life.

To rewind and give some perspective, it’s been nearly two months since I put a stake in the heart of my previously long running blog. In its terminal days, mysterious crashes plagued the poor blog-beast with editing glitches that reached a level of suck no one should endure. By editing glitches, I mean data loss crashes where all hope was lost. Its like waiting at the grocery store when you pick the wrong lane. Customers fly through the other lanes while the person at the head of your line yells at the cashier about how the garden sections smells of moldy onions. Thank you moldy onions. Viva la shoddy onions.

So what’s it all about? The blog that is? At 40 thousand feet, it’s about art, creativity and passions. At the core, it’s about human nature, struggles and the journey along the way. In plain language, it’s my day to day dealings with learning about fine art both in school and in my casual interactions. Yes, there will be pictures because I do more than draw or paint. For that matter, DIY is a part of my nature. Building things, it keeps the mind healthy. So expect a little more substance in the upcoming posts and less onion aroma.

I need to provide links to a few of the more interesting sites I visit too but all in time. For now, enjoy the upheaval because change truly is an integral component of art.
Source: http://shoddyonion.wordpress.com/2014/03/20/rising-from-the-ashes/

Welcome back!

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Remote Computing - Closer Than You Think

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masodo's musings

Remote Desktop ConnectionOne of the more useful things you can do with a computer is to control another computer from a remote location. If you have never used a computer via a remote desktop session then you are probably not aware of the benefits. Imagine using an old junky laptop here to control that high-powered state-of-the-art PC over there. The laptop and PC can be in the same room or opposite hemispheres. All you really need is that ever-present internet connection and a job to do.

Of course there are limitations on what you can do in this scenario. You are not going to have much fun if you try to watch videos or play video games via this sort of connection but you will be able to leverage a minimal amount of resources to access all the computing power of that remote system. Your laptop (or any computer you have handy) will serve as the Keyboard, Mouse and Monitor to interface with whatever the remote system has to offer.

This is not meant to be a tutorial on Remote Desktop Computing; there are already countless resources for that information. I wanted to post this article to present a bit of information I found to be just a little too valuable to be as obscure as it turned out to be when I set about educating myself.

The reason for posting this is to describe the method I am using to connect to a Remote Desktop Session through an SSH Tunneled connection between two Linux machines. This information presumes that the Remote Desktop Server is running TigerVNC-Server and Xrdp or is otherwise able to accept remote desktop connections via the Local Area Network. The Remote Desktop Client (say laptop) must be able to connect to the remote server via an SSH connection. The Client should have xfreerdp installed.  Connecting two Linux computers via SSH should be within the basic skill-set of any Linux OS user and if you are using Linux and are not familiar with the terminal environment - trust me - you are missing out on the "Power" (as these instructions may suggest.)

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Auto Show - Stroll Along

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World Of Wheels - 2014Come on along to the 500 World of Wheels Auto Show. There is something for everyone... Hot-rods and Customs, Classic and Imports. Anything on 2, 3 or 4 wheels. A 4 hour visit is condensed into 15 minutes. This is BlogDogIt YouTube Video Number Four.

Image stabilization provided courtesy of YouTube.

While editing this collection of clips I was simultaneously exploring archive.org for some appropriate high-energy music. There were skads of really excellent songs available; I settled on the following three selections:

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Bonus Prize - BMX Extreme Stunt Show

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BMX Extreme Stunt Show - The Video

I tell you what, my wife is so lucky at "being the eighth caller" to WISH-TV Channel 8 and winning prizes that the station should hire her just to make her ineligible [smiley:;)]

This latest prize package was 4 tickets to The World Of Wheels Autorama in Indianapolis. Today we cashed them in.

I decided this would be a good chance to blow the dust out of the sprockets of the video camera so I loaded in some fresh batteries and brought it along. I am glad I did too... You dont normally associate auto shows with "Action" but these dudes of the BMX Extreme Stunt Show brought it by the trailer load.

I collected a great many shots of some very cool cars but this section of the "clip haul" - shot from the bleachers - stands on it's own. I wanted to get this posted now while I edit the Auto Show stuff for release in the not too distant future.

Enjoy the show!

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DVD Sleeves - Pretty As You Please!

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A while back I was needing to create a bunch of DVDs for personal distribution and remembered seeing a "life-hack" that described a method for folding a single sheet of 8-1/2" X 11" paper to hold a CD or DVD disk. A well known search-engine presented the following link that gave step-by-step instructions with some great pictures illustrating the steps: Via SnapHow.com.

Easy as folding paper! That was several months ago...

Today I once again needed to make up some more of those handy-dandy paper sleeves and - as before - I was intending to add some custom graphics to to the project. I ended up spending nearly 30 minutes just tracking down my custom made template file (for positioning the layout) so I would not have to resort to "reinventing the wheel."

No doubt I will be needing this information again, so I have decided to post the template and a "refresher course" slide presentation right here on BlogDogIt. Next time I will know exactly where to look. I normally work in CorelDRAW for this sort of designing so I am posting a CDR(10) file, I am also offering in Illustrator5 AI  format and in TIFF and PDF for good measure. 

I hope you find this resource as helpful as I know I will!

~click on an image above to study~

Download a layout template to suit your needs:
DVD-SleeveTemplate10.cdr [ 13 KB ]
DVD-SleeveTemplate5.ai [ 3 KB ]
DVD-SleeveTemplate.tif [ 574 KB ]
[ 2 KB ]


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