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About This "Rockin' 4 God" Video

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Rockin' 4 God 2014Steadi(ish)CamIt is often said that the Lord works in mysterious ways. His ability to have me create a video documenting the "Rockin' 4 God 2014" event is ample evidence supporting that old maxim.

I am no documentary filmmaker (by any stretch of the imagination) but I have been looking for ways to exercise my video making muscles and this opportunity just struck me as just too good to pass up. It was an opportunity to photograph a rock concert with an all access pass. A day long event featuring four bands, a clown act and a sermon thrown in for good measure. Just the sort of volunteer work that would appeal to this old-school hippie photog.

Going into it, I was not exactly sure how I would go about completing the project. My video camera is little more than a toy - 640 X 480 pixel resolution with a fixed focal length lens - but I resolved to view this as an artistic endeavor and give it my best shot - as it were. The name "Rockin' 4 God" suggested to me that the video should be "high energy" (whatever that means) so a tripod in the corner was out of the question. I was going to have to go at this with a hand held camera to get in on the action.

I think it is safe to say that I am certainly no DevinSupertramp - but what I couldn't do with a rig like his? Since a GlideCam exists only in my covetous mind I decided to visit my freelance hardware store (a.k.a. garage) and see what I could come up with in the way of constructing my own Stedi(ish)Cam device. The internet is chocked full of ideas on this subject but seeing that my garage was gimbal free, I opted to go for a weighted pendulum style device that many claim to be a step above a purely hand-held camera - and I will give them that. 

If you can scrounge-up 46-1/2 minutes you should check out
"Rockin' 4 God"
The Video Project.

The actual job of recording the event presented many challenges but that is the name of the game and honestly what makes it so fun to do. I took along my Canon 5-MP rangefinder camera to - at least - get some quality stills and realized midway through the shoot that I would be combining stills and video clips for this video project. The little video camera uses SanDisk memory and I felt confident that the 4 Gigabyte chip would be ample for the day but took along two more 1 GB disks as a precaution - good thing too because for some odd reason the 4 GB disk refused to hold more than about 500 MB. It took every bit of those other 2 Gigs to get-r-done. When it became obvious that I should now use the video camera sparingly I started relying more and more on the still camera to document the event.

That was working fine until about two thirds of the way through the day when the Canon's battery went belly-up and I found myself regretting not tearing the house apart looking for the spare pack when I was gearing up for the day. Thankfully the video camera has the ability - as do most video cameras - to take still images. I finished the day bouncing back and forth between still and video modes adding one more layer of "what am I doing" to the task at hand.

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Recesky - Test Roll #1

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A Working ReceskyEver since the completion of the Recesky twin lens reflex camera kit I have been anxiously awaiting a bright sunny day to test it out but after waiting for 8 days I could not take the suspense a minute more. I decided to get the show on the road and loaded the new box with some 15 year old Plus-X "roll your own" and headed out into the mostly-cloudy afternoon world. I was hoping for plenty of sun mostly because of the severely out-dated film stock but I was also hoping to get some high contrast lighting for the sake of higher impact images. Perhaps the 'Stones said it best, "...you get what you need."

All in all - I must say - I am fairly pleased with the resulting pictures and can now hardly wait to try it out with some fresh film (and sunshine.) Using the Recesky feels a little debilitating with its single shutter speed and single f-stop* and peering onto a 35mm sized "ground glass" is a bit of a challenge with my reading glasses; next time out I am going to take along a loupe so as to focus a bit more critically. [*The Recesky does offer the ability to remove the aperture disk from behind the taking-lens for a larger f-stop (and reduced depth of field) but I would just as soon not mess with dismantling the taking-lens assembly.]

The best results from test roll number one are presented in the slide show above. Click on the image for a higher resolution example. There is a stray internal flare that shows consistently in the images. I need to determine if that is from a light leak or just shiny guts.

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Rockin' 4 God - Banner Installation

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Rockin' 4 God 2014

Have you ever had to install a two-sided banner outside, suspended between two posts? I had installed plenty of banners between already existing posts but this time required that I bring my own. The location is a high-traffic, wide open area that is subjected to some rather strong winds on occasion, so I was hoping to come up with something that might stand the test of the elements. Through strategic placement of scalloped vent holes, my own unique take on  bungee cord shock absorbers and rope work worthy of a former Boy Scout, I do believe this one has a fighting chance - Good Lord willing.

The following video slide presentation represents my first utilization of the YouTube Slideshow Creator. I was very pleased with its ease of use, wide selection of freely available music and fancy effects applied automatically.

If a picture is worth a thousand words then here is a book on how I hung this banner. Insert disclaimer about "don't take my word for it" here. [smiley:;)]

Visit: http://MtZionIndy.org

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I build a RECESKY camera

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The Set-Up Download HiRez Image Kit Download HiRez Image Kit

Table Top Setup

With a camera positioned overhead I put together a Recesky Twin Lens Reflex Camera from a kit. One hour and thirty-six minutes have been compressed into nine minutes. Ambient sounds have been replaced with Benefit_of_the_Boomerang-[null_void_manifesto] - "At The Words End."

The instructions were just about adequate and ultimately resulted in a perfectly usable piece of equipment. The proof of which will be forthcoming.

Made in China - Assembled in the U.S.A.

Thanks Bro' for the project!


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Steam Conversion

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Steamation V1

Ralph Bakshi has nothing to fear.

Explanation: I have been sitting on several little video clips that I shot at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry a while back. I have converted this one into an animated GIF. As I reduced this video to its basic elements (frame-by-frame in Photoshop) I was reminded of some of the techniques used in the animation classic Wizards.

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No Cover, No Minimum.

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The BouncerToday I built my first MEME candidate.

It is built upon one of my biggest internet related pet-peeves. Whenever I visit a website that immediately pops-up an invite for me to like them, share them, follow them, take a survey or any other maneuver that suggests that I am nothing more than a statistic to them I am out of there. I don't care if I can dismiss the prompt, I simply close the tab. You should always be careful what you click when surfing the net and if in doubt closing the tab is always the best option.

No Brainer.

Now Fly My MEME... Be Free!


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Speaking Like a Politician

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Forked ToungeThe phrase "speak with a forked tongue" means to deliberately say one thing and mean another. To "speak like a politician" is a much higher form of deception. It is the difference between being "lied to" and being "misled."

Our good mate Creaky
over on Codgertation presents an article  that he calls "Nothing is as it seems." In that post he shares the following tale. Please take the time to read this little story and see if you can wrap your head around what I am calling "politicians logic." The next time a politician opens his/her mouth - even if you do not see the obvious forked tounge - beware: words mean things.

Nothing is as it seems.

Three lovely old ladies, good friends thrown together by circumstance and now sharing a house, decided they liked a vase they’d seen in a second hand shop window. It would brighten up their dining room. It was just £30 but their pensions weren’t huge. However, they decided they’d each chip-in with £10, so they saved up over a few weeks and eventually had enough in the kitty.

Money in their purses, off they set one Saturday morning and to their relief the vase was still there. Without any further ado, they paid the nice lad in the shop and set off home with it.

Just seconds after they’d left the shop manager came out from the office where he’d been doing a rough-and-ready stock check and said to the lad, “let’s mark that vase down to £25, it’s been hanging around for ages and it’s never going to sell.” The lad said he’d just that minute sold it to three old ladies. The manager, without a moment’s hesitation, told him to run after them and give them five pounds back – “it’s only fair”, he said.

So the lad grabbed five pounds out of the till and ran after the ladies. But while he was nice enough, he was also a crafty one, and when he caught up with them he gave them back just one pound each and kept two pounds for himself. “Well,” he reasoned, “they’re still going to be happy.”

So that meant the three old ladies paid £9 each. Three multiplied by nine is twenty-seven. The lad kept two pounds for himself. Twenty-seven plus two is twenty-nine. Where did the other pound go?

Nothing is as it seems.

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7 Year Old 'Smokes' High-Schoolers

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The Team PicIt is Summer Running Camp and the young up-start Brodyn is invited to run in his first 100M dash with the big kids. The results were anything but expected...

Note: Starting pistol fires mid-video, then look out...

Cruddy cell-phone video shot by his Grandmother.
We are so glad she did!

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The Complete BBPP GIFs Collection

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The Complete Big Biting Pig Production CollectionWell now, that was fun [smiley::D] . . .

If you have been following this blog during the last few days you have surely noticed I have been spamming (or should I say "hamming") up the place with my ongoing project to create sets of animated GIF image files for each of the 8 Big Biting Pig Productions movies.

This post is now presented as a "table of contents" for those articles. The image map below will allow you to go directly to the GIF set for the show of your choice. I hope you take the time to visit each of them...

Click the DVD Cover Above to See That Movies' GIF Set

This was actually a very enjoyable exercise in film editing (albeit on a micro scale.) It is my hope that these images will serve to promote the hard work done by all those associated with Big Biting Pig Productions. I encourage you to get to know these people and their projects This is independent film making at it's finest (and funnest!) [smiley:;)]

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Maniac on the Loose with GIFs

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Big Biting Pig ProductionsMy Big Biting Pig Animated GIF project is complete. I have created images from the trailers for each of the 8 Big Biting Pig Productions movies - starting with their latest and moving backwards through the collection - this final installment of 3 image files is from their 1st movie: "Maniac on the Loose"




"Maniac on the Loose" (2008) - Big Biting Pig Productions



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