Welcome to BlogDogIt Monday, January 20 2025 @ 04:57 pm EST



  • Artstormer (574)
    From my point of view, the world is one big art show. I created this blog to chronicle my interest in visual arts but am receptive to what other ideas might evolve from the process. Fortunately I am blissfully ignorant when it comes to the academics of art curation or selection. Nonetheless, I do know what I like and that it doesn’t need to match the sofa.
  • Beautiful/Decay (540)
    I started Beautiful/Decay as a small black and white, DIY photocopied ‘zine in 1996. Trapped in the suburbs of Northern Virginia, I was bored to tears by the uniform lifestyle that was the norm. Beautiful/Decay became my humble way of documenting all the things that my friends and I were taking part in, whether it was painting graffiti on trains, going to punk shows at the 9:30 Club, curating impromptu art shows in warehouses or getting kicked out by security guards at our favorite skate spots. We believed in making something out of nothing and breaking down anything that was in the way of our dreams. So, with a stack of photos, $100, and a few hours at the local copy-mat, Beautiful/Decay was born. We were young, full of creative energy, and had a desire to create something new and carve our own path in life.

    Fast forward to today, and B/D still carries that same youthful sense of rebellion and experimentation that influenced so many of my creative peers and I. We still take risks, collaborate with new and unknown artists, and veer away from the mainstream to make products of substance. In the 14 years since our inception, the brand has gone from a part-time hobby to an internationally recognized design-driven lifestyle brand that publishes books, designs apparel, and provides creative platforms. More than just a brand, Beautiful/Decay is a lifestyle for those who see beauty in decay and push creativity to its limits to make something new and inspiring for our generation.

    Long live the cult of decay.

    Amir H. Fallah
    Decaying since ’96
  • C A M O U P E D I A (511)
    A blog for clarifying and continuing the findings that were published in Camoupedia: A Compendium of Research on Art, Architecture and Camouflage, by Roy R. Behrens (Bobolink Books, 2009).
  • Cats and Computers (449)
    Art by me! Click images to open them and see the full size.
  • CGHub (672)
    CG Hub is an online community where computer graphics artists share their latest work, tips, and tools, network with friends, search jobs, and more.
  • CGTrader (563)
    3D Model Store Blog
  • Crumble Cult (541)
    The Author
    Tony Single has been drawing since he was old enough to hold a crayon. He grew up watching cartoons and reading comics, and after high school completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts in Animation.

    The Comic
    Crumble Cult is the tale of Ernest Crumb, a 40 something drifter looking for what he really wants in life. He embarks on an epic quest to find it. Will he find it? Will he hold his nerve? Will he expire before tale’s end?

    And why are there unicorns?
  • dvdp (562)
    the art of gif - fine gif collector tumblr site
  • Elva Hook (619)
    contemporary impressionist landscapes
  • Exploratorius (510)
    Old School Photo Hack
    I’m Mitch Zeissler...My background? … I have a graphic design degree from Virginia Commonwealth University...was a professional photographer and graphic designer for a decade...broke into the IT field.

    Now I’m no longer the starving artist that my wife married and — unlike many other aspiring photographers out there — I’m not interested in being a pro shooter again, thank-you-all-the-same...