Welcome to BlogDogIt Friday, July 26 2024 @ 10:36 pm EDT

The Truth Comes Home

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World Premier - Ezekiel's Landing - At The Irving

Indie in IndyWhile the rest of geekdom was shedding a happy tear over the announcement of a new installment in the the Star Wars franchise - Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens - this nerd was beside himself over the fact that the world premiere of the long awaited, much ballyhooed, indie sci-fi, horror, action, thriller Ezekiel's Landing was about to occur and in my own back yard (so to speak.) Now don't get me wrong I am a big fan of Star Wars and take pride that I was among the first in line for the premiere screening of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope in Indianapolis at the luxurious Eastwood Theater in 1977.

Writer/Director James Treakle


Irving Theater - not as plush as the infamous Eastwood but with a far more colorful history - was the "happening" place-to-be in Indianapolis for die hard fans of independent films of the sci-fi persuasion. On April 24 the world premier of Eziekiel's Landing was featured "At The Irving."

On first inspection one might find the Irving better suited to a random Rave than a world premier, motion picture unveiling but what it lacked in bolted-to-the-floor seating, carpeting and ceiling tiles it more than made up for in warm, friendly fans of creativity rubbing elbows with the craftspeople who came together to make the night even possible and ultimately enjoyable.

Stage LeftExecutive Producer Kate Chaplin took to the microphone as a pleasantly enthusiastic Master of Ceremony sharing the spotlight with Writer/Director James Treakle who set the stage for a respectable crowd of eager theater goers. The 85 minute film, included the briefest of intermissions 3/4 of the way through by some very needy anti-virus software on the projectors source MacBook - that's free anti-virus for you.[smiley:;)]

Stage RightFollowing the featured presentation was a very informative Q&A session that had all cast and crew in attendance standing in the front of the hall. After taking several questions a suggestion was made that perhaps the wireless microphone should be passed down the line so that each member in attendance might declare their favorite scene and share one of their fondest memories of the production. This was priceless entertainment that can never be equaled. I am thankful to social media for keeping me in the loop so that I could attend this once in a lifetime event.

I encourage you, dear reader, to support the independent filmmaker in whatever genre suits your taste and discover right there, in your own "back yard," what it is that makes the movie industry so magical: the blood, sweat and tears of those individuals with the vision and drive to love, create and share in pursuit of what can only be called a really good movie.

In an effort to show my support for these folks I offer the following review of the film Ezekiel's Landing - originally posted to IMDB:

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A Movie Like This...

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A Wedding Like ThatA Wedding Like That

A Wedding Like That

(I originally wrote this review for submission to IMDB -
of course I am happiest to share it here...)

There is little secret regarding the subject of this film. I mean, when the title screen displays dual female symbols beneath the words "A Wedding Like That" you know going in that you are about to be a guest at a same-sex wedding.

I am learning my lesson about overly investigating a film before watching it; I am convinced that many reviewers and synopsis writers seek only to spoil a film in an effort to prove they actually saw it. I truly came to this viewing with no preconceived notions. So let me just tell you I did indeed watch it and I can honestly say my outlook on life is the better for it.

What I fully expected to be a glorification of the homosexual lifestyle turned out to be a heartwarming tale of family love and fatherly obliviousness. As a father myself I was easily drawn to the situational drama and found myself relating on many levels to the fathers of both brides in ways that felt a bit too awkward for comfort. I could however, take comfort in the underlying themes of love and support among caring family and close friends.

What I did not expect was the comedy... I confess that I found myself laughing quite a bit. And not a nervous sort of laughter but a genuine laughter born of witty writing and crafty timing. The entire script was well written in fact. These folks did in forty-two minutes what Hollywood would feel compelled to keep us for ninety minutes only to deliver half the entertainment.

Mark Dessauer and Cindy Maples are a match made in heaven in their portrayal of Sam and Tami Kessler; loving parents ready to face anything or anybody who stands in the way of their family ideal. Tod Reynolds and Gracie Strange are a force to be reckoned with in the roles of "proper" parents Oliver and Debra Dixon who - as it happens - find themselves as the Father and Mother of the Bride too. Laura Kessler and Joan Dixon (enchantingly portrayed by Megan Hunt and Roni Jonah) are the soon to be wed couple. Could it be happening too soon? or perhaps not soon enough?

What could have very easily gone politically active or morally preachy instead stays out of our faces and ultimately plants a tear in the eye of those with a soft spot for love and hope in the triumph of family togetherness. A brilliant work of art in all aspects of production. With Neil Kellen at the camera you would expect a feast for the eyes and that it is. Directors, Neil Kellen and Lewis D. Chaney should start clearing out a spot on the trophy shelf because this has "award-winning" written all over it.

Would I recommend this film? I would go one step farther and say don't you dare miss it. A great achievement by everyone involved.

A Wedding Like That (2015) Trailer

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It's on bitches. Literally.

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The Dog House ShowYou know me... I take a look at the tweets every day if I can; sometimes only to discover I have been followed by some mega-conglomerate that I just know really cares about what is going on in my life right up to the point where "I ain't buying it..."

Today I learn that I picked up a new Twitter follower (#85 woo-hoo!!) four days ago (ok, so maybe I don't check it every day - see more proof I do stuff...) Now I ask you, how could I not investigate a follower by the name of "The Dog House Show" or @doghouseshow (to be precise?)

What I find is the Twitter presence of a YouTube channel featuring a fresh animated web series called (ironically enough) "The Dog House Show." Here are the words from the "About" page on that site:

A show about Kole Kardashian, yet another brother of that infamous family, and his lady dogs- Rachel and Martica. This hilarious web series will take you on a ride with the funny shenanigans of this crazy trio.

So get in on the ground-floor with Webisode Numero Uno from this all-new, gotta-subscribe-to channel: The DogHouse Show


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Esperienza "Sun, Sea, Wind"

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Esperienza SaraSole, Mare, Vento (artworks by Sara Quida)

Having been a YouTube subscriber of Rudolf Dierckx for a couple of years now I have come to expect a gourmet feast for the eyes (and ears) in the form of his own brand of artwork set to life as animated slide presentations that have emoting power that simply must be experienced to be understood.

Rudolf's latest presentation explores the artwork of the uniquely talented artist Sara Quida. Together these two remarkable talents will take you into a world of Sun, Sea and Wind that - set to the ethereal sounds of  Karunesh - offer to the viewer that magical power of art to touch the soul. A mighty fine use of the internet if you ask me... [smiley:;)]


Artworks : Sara Quida (Italy)
Edition : Rudolf Dierckx (the Netherlands)
Music : Karunesh "Journey of my heart"





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Pinhole Video Project Exposed

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LONDON GRAMMAR - Wasting My Young Years "Homebrew" pinhole camera rig snaps 625 simultaneous 35mm images and supplies the building blocks for this Epic Music Video for

London Grammar 
Wasting My Young Years.

Enjoy this video then be sure to see the behind the scenes documentary (below) to see this brilliant feat of artistic engineering in the making

LONDON GRAMMAR - Wasting My Young Years from Bison on Vimeo.

Behind the Scenes Documentary

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Tinfish - at Depth

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The Comic Genius of TinfishSo maybe he is not the funniest comedian you've seen all year. He may well be one of the funniest Autistic comics you will come across though. Watching him perform is a bit like walking around blindfolded in a minefield; you know they're out there... not sure where you're going... then BOOM! Comic Genius!

Brent "Tinfish" Warkentin maintains a Youtube channel [MegaTinfish] that is like none other. Visit him there and you will see what I mean (words would not do it justice.) I found this little gem among the collection and I think it is utterly priceless.

To continue your introduction to Tinfish
I recommend the following:

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When Pigs Fly!

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I Am KawehiI Am Kawehi is fast becoming one of my favorite singer, songwriter, musicians. This tune has got to be one of my favorites ATM. Since she was nice enough to share it via her BandCamp page the least I can do is embed it here (for easy access) and ask you people with money to support this artist.


Get to know I Am Kawehi

Lyrics Below

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Doing Something About It...

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The BlogDogIt spotlight shines today into my own corner of the world. I have recently undertaken to update and manage the website of Mt. Zion General Baptist Church (my "church home" since the days of my youth.) It is a Wordpress website so I finally get a chance to see what all my cyber friends are always on about [smiley::D]

As anyone who has followed the BlogDogIt Spotlight Series will tell you - I would not draw your attention to a site that I did not think you would all enjoy. This one is no different.

The featured post encourages members to invite someone to Church - I would like to officially invite anyone in the world-wide audience of BlogDogIt.com to "Come to Church" (even if only virtually...)

So don't be shy; listen to the featured "podcast" - the very one that prompted me to create this post - or browse the sermon audio archives (linked below.) Get to know Pastor Mike - this guy is awesome! [smiley:thumbup]

 Mt Zion Indy - Building Relationships That Lead to Jesus

Pastor Michael Stephens    Enlightening and Entertaining, Pastor Mike Stephens delivers insightful and edifying messages that motivate, educate and inspire on a variety of topics important to the Christian and Pre-Christian alike. [smiley:;)]

Mount Zion General Baptist Church

    Have you ever invited someone you know to church? If not, why not? Did you know that most people, if asked, would go to church with you? Most likely, someone asked you, so why not “pay it forward” and ask someone else? Pastor Mike discusses this and many other ideas in this weeks sermon called,

"Do Something About It!"

Download the mp3


Mt Zion Sermon Audio ArchiveA Podcast With A Purpose -  Please browse our burgeoning Audio Archive featuring sermons preached by Pastor Michael Stephens, Pastor Billy Davidson and even the occasional guest speaker. Listen to one, listen to all. Free to download and share or enjoy with our handy on-site player! (Click Link on Right)


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