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Blame Lou Montulli

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Lou "Blink" Montulli

Lou Montulli


One of my favorite things about the internet is how certain links can lead to a virtual world of hidden adventures. I found myself "geeking-out" as I surfed the wave generated by an investigation into the infamous [smiley:;)] Lou "blink" Montulli[1]. If you have any geek in your blood, I bet you too will have a good time if you choose to hop on into the following "gopher" hole.


Louis J. Montulli II is one of those (mostly) unsung heroes of the internet (despite being one of only six inductees into the World Wide Web Hall of Fame announced at the first international conference on the World Wide Web in 1994.) Widely regarded as the creator of the "blink" tag, he bears responsibility for bringing blinking text to the internet browser in 1994. He is also responsible for HTTP cookies and several other innovations during his stint with Netscape.

Lou also built "The Amazing Fishcam", one of the earliest live image websites (now featured in the margins here on BlogDogIt.com in the form of a  widget.)

In 1991 and 1992 he co-authored a text web browser called Lynx with Michael Grobe and Charles Rezac while he was at the University of Kansas. This web browser was one of the first available and is still in use today. Lou Montulli has his own wikipedia page (which is the source of many of the facts presented in this article.)

Here are some Lou links to get you started - Enjoy!:

    Lou's Personal Website: http://www.montulli.org/lou

    Lou's Blog: http://www.montulli-blog.com/

    Fishcam: http://www.fishcam.com/

    Lou's Archived Profile: http://home.mcom.com/people/montulli/index.html

    An Early History of Lynx: http://people.cc.ku.edu/~grobe/early-lynx.html




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