Welcome to BlogDogIt Friday, July 26 2024 @ 07:37 pm EDT



  • 2bitsworthofthoughts (607)
    The objective of this blog is 2-pronged:
    1 to reach out to Malaysian students or those outside the country who wish to improve in their writing skills in English but lack the guidance (plagiarism is however, strongly discouraged);
    2 to give parents some helpful tips (hopefully!) in assisting their kids to study.
  • 300 stories (663)
    A one-year mission to produce 300 stories in 300 words (or less)
  • 50-Word Stories (1,463)
    What is a 50-Word Story?

    A 50-word story is a piece of fiction written in exactly 50 words. That doesn’t mean “roughly” 50 words; it doesn’t mean “as close to 50 words as possible”; it doesn’t mean 50 words or fewer. It means exactly 50 words.
  • A Darker Side of Normal (610)
    A Road to Nowhere
    This blog is going to be a place for me to promote my poetry, write about some amusing things in life, and maybe even promote others artwork in coordination with my writing. I tend to write on the darker side, and some images simply fit with my writing.
  • Ami Chopine (567)
    Over the Dither and Through the Words -
    Ami Chopine is a collection of cells that cooperate enough be a wife, mother, and a writer. She's written and published two books, several short stories, and even some newspaper and magazine bits. She's also a co-owner of Geekatplay Studio with her husband, Vladimir. Together they have four crazy genius children.
  • and so she thinks (691)
    I’m interested in everything, and love to write about it and share those scribbles. And So She Thinks is me, my passions, my skills, and my plans.

    As a journalist it is a hub for all my writing, as an events organiser it is a place to share with you what’s going on, and if you are interested in me as a marketeer, you can find out about that too.
  • Beat, Measure, Rhyme (652)
    Poems. And then some more poems.
    Bio: Hey. So, about me. Well, I like writing, so decided it was time to write about stuff I love. Ale. Food. Our camper van. Books. Life. General stuff. So here it is...I hope you like.
  • Blog Woman!!! (621)
    – Life Uncategorized
    Been there, done that, & have seen too much. Now I write about it. Hello, my name is Robyn, mother, Cree Metis, & paid communicator. This is my collection of opinions, stories, and the occasional rise to a challenge.

    Maybe a comment on news now and then, as a former sometimes paid informant (newspaper), but mostly just a personal insight or an opinion on all sorts of life minutes. Yes, it may be a little self-indulgent, and hey who cares about my opinion, but if you can’t talk to your friends and family, then who? Right? By the way, if you’re reading my blogs, welcome to the family!
  • Corissa Writes (629)
    Fiction & Contemplation in Maine
    Ridiculous, curious, most likely delirious.
    I love a great story, whether it comes in the form of words or visual stimuli. I believe everyone has a story to tell, and I love to share mine.
  • Edward M Wolfe (576)
    Edward M Wolfe was a field reporter for one of the first independent news websites in the late 90’s, and later worked as a city beat reporter on the Oregon coast. He currently works in I.T., and writes and edits books in his spare time.

    His latest novel, Kendra’s Spirit, is a story about what happens when true love is interrupted by terrorism, and other religious beliefs.

    He lives in Tulsa with two human children, and two canine children who all love his writing, and tolerate his guitar playing.