Welcome to BlogDogIt Friday, July 26 2024 @ 08:45 pm EDT



  • (Roughly) Daily (699)
    About (Roughly) Daily
    The primary items in each of the postings here are things I find (or, increasingly, receive as tips from readers); thus, while the commentary is mine, the items themselves are from other sites/sources. I do my best to use only free images, and to provide credit and links for them and for all information gathered elsewhere. In the event that I fall short in this, I will add appropriate credit or remove, with apology, any offending material on notification by the owner.
  • accidental mysteries (585)
    a blog about photography, design, art, architecture, ephemera, found objects, pop culture, anonymous, outsider art, folk art, self-taught art, illustration, beauty, esoterica, auctions, discovery, art environments, mystery, vintage stuff and the magic that can be found in everyday things.
  • Add Ours (656)
    Addours.com is dedicated to aggregating the most interesting content on the internet and navigating readers to the Internet’s best publishers.
  • Are We Full Yet (629)
    Are We Full Yet (AWFY) is a site aimed at showcasing the latest and greatest single serving sites (SSS). Some, as you will see, are straightforward; others are more roundabout. Some sites are fun, while others are just plain random.
  • Bad Subjects (659)
    Political Education for Everyday Life
    Online since 1992.
    The oldest continuously-publishing political/cultural site on the Web.
  • Brain Pickings (822)
    Hey there. My name is Maria Popova and I’m a reader, writer, interestingness hunter-gatherer, and curious mind at large. I’ve previously written for Wired UK, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab, among others, and am an MIT Futures of Entertainment Fellow.

    Brain Pickings is my one-woman labor of love — a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why. Mostly, it’s a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually — and an inquiry into how to live and what it means to lead a good life.
  • Daily Vowel Movements (674)
    Daily Vowel Movements exists to provide you with at least one funny thing to look at each day. We waste our time on the Internet so that you don’t have to. The average time spent on any web page in the world is 56 seconds, so if you finish reading this paragraph, look at one or two posts then stare out the window for 8 seconds we will be above average.


    Some blogs are intellectual, theological, rational, or analytical. Other blogs are personal, emotional, irrational or individual.

    The following quote perfectly sums up what I am trying to do with my blog:

    "It's been my policy to view the Internet not as an 'information highway,' but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies." Mike Royko (Chicago Tribune newspaperman)
  • Deskarati (446)
    Here at deskarati, we explore, search and ‘plough’ through the internet on your behalf to find announcements, contributions, articles and wonders of the universe. We focus on the uplifting, enjoyable and inspirational articles usually of the scientific, philosophical, technological, artistic or wondrous kind. We shy quickly away from the downbeat, preachy, depressing and ‘bad news’, that we feel would not improve your day. We then offer these articles to you for your information and enjoyment, we hope you will find them thought-provoking, exciting and especially, enlightening.
  • DopeFlyHipHappening (1,226)
    Time of death...
  • Dude I Want That! (2,948)
    A Geek's Gift Guide of Gadgets, Gear, Novelties and Zombies
    * Updated daily