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Does Not Dissapoint - 95ers: Reviewed

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masodo's musings
Internet Movie DatabaseI finally got the chance to see 95ers:Echoes and have submitted the following review to IMDB. The IMDB policy is to hold all review submissions for approval so the actual review may take a few days to be made public. Since I know for a fact the validity of my opinions regarding this film I see no such need to hesitate in sharing with everyone the review I have submitted...

Submitted to IMDB 7/27/2013 by masodo

After I severely edited my submission it was finally accepted! Please Visit: http://imdb.com/ to see my submitted review. Below is the review that was rejected but more accurately reflects my opinion of 95ers:ECHOES...

A Sci-Fi Work of ArtAs Indie As Indie Gets

I have heard 95ers: ECHOES referred to as being "as indie as indie gets" and this may be true. However, after waiting several months and driving over 100 miles for my chance to view this film, my impression is that this film is "big-time" good.

I am a huge fan of the Time Travel film genre and must say that 95er:Echoes has earned its way into my top five all-time favorite sci-fi movies. This film has it all and delivers it in a well paced, believable tale of romance, suspense and intrigue that left this viewer with the sense that he had just experienced indie cinematic greatness of epic proportions.

Alesandra Durham gives a brilliant performance supported by a cast of characters that can hold their collective heads up high with pride in the knowledge of a job well done. I would like to personally thank everyone involved with the production of 95ers:Echoes for their role in the creation of what can only be described as a gift of love to science fiction fandom. Thank you Tom Durham for your hard work, sacrifice and vision.

Dear reader, If you ever get a chance to see this movie please see that you do. If you ever get a chance to purchase this movie please buy two. It is _so_ worth it.

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