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Spotlight[Technology]: Call Yourself A Nerd

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 Call Yourself A Nerd (Are you a nerd? )

Learn to Code

Bill Gates Chairman, Microsoft:
“Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better,
creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.“

In the current age and generation, you can not go a day without interacting with some form of computer. Whether it’s hopping online to check out Call Yourself a Nerd or it’s using your phone to get directions, technology has become ingrained into almost every facet of life.

I am always astonished when I’m told that someone does not know how to use some of the basic features of technology. I believe that computers are a necessity to become a more productive member of our current society, much like when cars started to be mass-produced at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, knowing how to drive means that you are independent and productive. I believe that learning about computers are the next step in that ideology and I am not alone.

Code.org was founded to help bring coding to the classroom since only about 10% of schools teach the subject. They just released a video with some of the most famous coders in the world recommending the trade.

[ Head past the jump to watch the video. ]

So if it’s HTML, CSS or JAVA; you should try to learn how to code.


http://en.gravatar.com/draco24 About Danny
I cover video games, comics, movies, and some tech news on Call Yourself A Nerd.

Source: CallYourselfANerd.com


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