Welcome to BlogDogIt Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 10:22 am EDT

New Editor Now Working

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FCKEditor working like a charm.


This is really just a test post to make sure that FCKEditor is up and running.

FCKEditor tool bar full feature selected

As you can see by the above image FCKEditor features a full host of advanced editing features to simplify the creation of richly formated posts.

Until now I have been adding content to BlogDogIt.com using only the basic text area editor and manual entry of html code. I really enjoy the exersize of coding by hand after having come to rely so much on Dreamweaver for so much of the daily grinding.

I have integrated FCKEditor before in other projects and - as you too likely have - encountered it in diverse user available text editing senarios across the interwebs. Having been aware that FCKEditor was a supplied option with the GeekLog instalation I was sure that having it implemented for the benifit of our contributors would be a simple matter.

As it turned out it was simple indeed; the feature was enabled by default and one need only check the box in your User Functions ==> Language&Layout ==>

I highly recommend that you enable this feature as soon as you can following the creation of your BlogDogIt account .

I was tickled to see that FCKEditor has now changed its name (for - well - obvious reasons) to CKEditor. If you would like to learn more about FCKEditor/CKEditor Please visit the website http://ckeditor.com/.

It is my hope that you enjoy using the editor and that it helps to simplify your ability to create attractive posts and pages. I understand that while this is a nice tool it is not without its flaws. On occasion you will find the most expedient way to accomplish the task at hand is to select the view "Source" option of the editor and dive into the code. Once you get a feel for the underling code that FCKEditor is writing for you, you will truly appreciate the time this editor saves you to spite any percieved flaws.

If you ever need help using the editor or creating posts in general, I will be happy to assist you, just send me a message.


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