Welcome to BlogDogIt Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 10:37 am EST

K-9's Getting Built

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Old dog, new tricks A robot that looks like K9 that actually works... Old dog, new tricks -
A robot that looks like K9 that actually works...

The BlogDogIt claim of "sharing interesting stuff when I find it"™ would be of no effect if I did not share with you the internet offerings of Richard Hopkins...

In November of 2012 Richard opened his Blog with the following words:

I'm a forty-something IT professional and this blog is about what I learned by building my first robot. Most people would probably start with something simple, but that's not my style. Sink or swim. So my first robot will be as near a facsimile of Doctor Who's dog K9 as I am capable.

And there can be little doubt in those capabilities. In the past few years Richard has made a great deal of progress in the creation of his man/doctor's-best-friend replica and has shared the process on his blog, "http://k9-build.blogspot.com"

The Video presented here was actually my first encounter with the robotic pursuits of Mr. Hopkins. I hope you take the time to watch this (admittedly dated) video clip. If you are anything like me, you will want to delve deeper into this digital doggie development.  

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