Welcome to BlogDogIt Monday, January 20 2025 @ 04:38 pm EST

Make It Stop!!

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"And whosoever should be snaring one of these little ones who are believing in Me, ideal is it for him rather if a millstone requiring an ass to turn it were lying about his neck and he were cast into the sea." (Jesus according to Mark 9:42 Concordant Literal Version)

Evil Perpetrations
As a Cyber Explorer of the Web Less TraveledI will often come across aspects of the internet that have me scratching my head with concern for my fellow humans. Things that "once seen, cannot be unseen" are one of the hazards of this job. I find that after these awful encounters it is best to just move along; spurred-on to ever more diligently seek-out the goodness that also awaits discovery out on the ragged-edge of the World Wide Web.

Oftentimes though, evil lurks in the shadows of even the more mainstream of internet destinations. It was in the course of a purely innocent search for a particular user account on Vimeo that I found myself witness to some most appalling human behavior. I immediately "flagged" the video and - to Vimeo's credit - it was removed from the system within the hour. I will certainly spare any details but suffice it to say the mere removal of that atrocity does little (to nothing) in reversing the evil perpetrated upon the innocent creature featured in that untitled film. Something however, MUST be done...

Later on in the day I decided to "bleach my eyes" by viewing the latest from SkyWatch TV. It can be no coincidence that the guest that day was Opal Singleton, president and CEO of MillionKids.org and the topic was "Predators, Social Media, and Your Children."

I urge everyone to explore the good works spearheaded by Opal Singleton and visit ExploitedCrimes.com - something CAN be done...

EXPLOITED - Crimes Against Humanity


Episode 1: Welcome to Exploited - Crimes Against Humanity

(Original air date 05/26/16)

Episode Description

Welcome to Exploited Crimes Against Humanity, a global interactive internet community dedicated to educating against exploitation. This week we will analyze real cases of sex trafficking, sextortion, and how child pornographers use online gaming and the dark web to exploit and violate young people. There are always three sides to the story. The Predator, the Victim and Law Enforcement., Opal Singleton is your host and she has trained tens of thousands of government agencies, law enforcement, civic leaders, school administrators and faith based leaders on how to recognize human exploitation. Most important, learn what YOU can do about it. NEVER AGAIN should another child be violated., NEVER again should a parent anguish over a run away child. This show is designed to equip YOU and your friends to educate yourself, engage and get involved. It is powerful. It is Real. It is urgent.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

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