Shoddy Onion graphic by BlogDogIt - For Dale if he wants it [smiley::D]
Friends of Dale Harkness and his blog "The Hindenburg Principle" will be pleased to know that after the "Oh, The Humanity!" moments that resulted in the demise of that blog, Dale has announced the creation of a brand new site - rising up from the ashes - called "The Shoddy Onion"!
Why not stop by The Shoddy Onion and say hello... (Take a clothespin along for your nose if you have an aversion to the pungent smell of bulb-sprouted veggies.)
Shoddy? Well, that is in the nose of the beholder. I have been a fan of this blogger for a while now and encourage you to add him to your rotation - always thought provoking, entertaining and educational.
Here is a sample - the first post of many for The Shoddy Onion:
Rising From the Ashes
The Shoddy Onion, what kind of name for blog is that you ask? Well now, would you easily forget a shoddy onion?
Ah, but the onion fumes are overpowering in here you say? Let’s do something about that by bootstrapping this blog up to let those shoddy onions make a fine fermented fuel for the engine of life.
To rewind and give some perspective, it’s been nearly two months since I put a stake in the heart of my previously long running blog. In its terminal days, mysterious crashes plagued the poor blog-beast with editing glitches that reached a level of suck no one should endure. By editing glitches, I mean data loss crashes where all hope was lost. Its like waiting at the grocery store when you pick the wrong lane. Customers fly through the other lanes while the person at the head of your line yells at the cashier about how the garden sections smells of moldy onions. Thank you moldy onions. Viva la shoddy onions.
So what’s it all about? The blog that is? At 40 thousand feet, it’s about art, creativity and passions. At the core, it’s about human nature, struggles and the journey along the way. In plain language, it’s my day to day dealings with learning about fine art both in school and in my casual interactions. Yes, there will be pictures because I do more than draw or paint. For that matter, DIY is a part of my nature. Building things, it keeps the mind healthy. So expect a little more substance in the upcoming posts and less onion aroma.
I need to provide links to a few of the more interesting sites I visit too but all in time. For now, enjoy the upheaval because change truly is an integral component of art.
Welcome back!