New Topic Item: The K+ Club

"The K+ ClubThere's no accounting for taste" - or so the axiom goes. However, The K+ Club will attempt to provide some accounting for the most popular postings here on  Whenever a post receives 1000(1K) or more hits it will be removed from it's topic of origin and placed into The K+ Club topic. The latest addition to the club will also become a featured story on the front page.

The K+ Club can be looked at as part "Hall of Fame", part "Archive." It also serves as a barometer of "What Sells" on the internet according to BlogDogIt. The K+ Club should NOT be seen as "The Best Of" BlogDogIt rather the most "magnetic" of our offerings. There is a ton of really good content on-site that - even now - is struggling to top 200 views.

Using the "BlogDogIt Tag Cloud" is a great way to get at those burried gems. Likewise, don't forget about the Site Directory as another useful tool for picking through this content mine. Of course the BlogDogIt Top 50 (by views <1K) feature will keep you apprized of those stories that are climbing the ranks, on their way to The K+ Club (see the "Top Stories" link located on the top-of-page menu above.)

Please explore It's hard telling what you are going to hit upon... Something Interesting Probably!

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