Under Development
BlogDogIt is pleased to announce the addition of this brand new topic area - "Graveyard Rabbit." This blog will strive to earn the distinction of being A Member of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits. Thank you for visiting and please return soon as our special guest blogger begins to contribute to this space...
About The GYRabbit Association
Official GYRabbit Associatin Logo
Welcome to The Association Of Graveyard Rabbits � an association dedicated to the academic promotion of the historical importance of cemeteries, grave markers, and the family history to be learned from a study of burial customs, burying grounds, and tombstones; and the social promotion of the study of cemeteries, the preservation of cemeteries, and the transcription of genealogical/historical information written in cemeteries.
The Association Of Graveyard Rabbits was founded by Terry Thornton (Mississippi) with assistance from footnoteMaven (Washington) and Bob Franks (Mississippi). The Association Of Graveyard Rabbits is authored by Terry Thornton of The GYRabbit of The Hill Country. It features a weekly article with links to all of the articles written by the membership and a weekly feature devoted to the introduction of one of the members. Members are in contact with each other through their blogs, through a frequent Graveyard Rabbit e-Letter, and through interaction at the Graveyard Rabbit Group at Facebook. Additional publications planned include an e-Quarterly and an e-Annual.
The Association publication is implementing an articles and links library created with the contributions of its members. Discussions are ongoing about a Cemetery of the Year Award sponsored by The Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
Why The Association of Graveyard Rabbits?
The Association was named for Frank Lebby Stanton's poem,
Click on read more for more.
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Please Note:
An existing blog may be used for your membership requirement provided it is dedicated to the study of cemeteries, grave markers, and burial customs. The statement of membership and the display of the association's logo are required.
Upon receipt of application for membership, you will receive a confirmation email from Graveyard Rabbit and a link to the official logo button which must be displayed beneath your membership blog's banner. When your membership blog is activated, notify Graveyard Rabbit at the email address above. Upon confimation that you have complied with the three requirements (1) an activated and dedicated blog (2) placement of a notice in your banner that you are a member of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits and (3) placement of the official badge/logo/button of the Association beneath your banner, you will be admitted as a member of Graveyard Rabbits.
Those who join and whose membership blogs are activated prior to November 2, 2008, will be henceforth known as a Charter Member of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
Those who join after that date will be known as a Member of the Association of Graveyard Rabbits.